Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Justice VS.Jingoism. [ARTICLE]

Justice VS.Jingoism.

Mr. E«Iwanl Coonibs over t!ie sign »ture “Anrille S{nrks" b *.h «rrittea some u{ tbe most poiutoJ noJ c.ererest nrticlcs on the H*«ntiun qaeettoa, wbicb bxre be->n Urge!y re;«J ao 1 qaoteJ both iu the H >asw of lte|>resent tives sud m tho Sen«to. As »n rumpl« of hisatvle. we repnat tbe lollowir,g articio wbicb &ppeareil in tbe .VoCkdt Citi:en oa tbe t»tb oi U>t monlh. Vpoa the floor o{ tho conrcnj tion th.it fr«me«l tbe present eon- 1 'f.tut;on of 0 org»a. Oea K >l> rt T>»mh». «|>eak.i>g «»f tbe fmrci«u. uiter-U tbese words: “They »re lo be gov?rned as e»ery raee •»( p«apers i» gov*-ru ; ed,—by tbow who own tbo pro1 perty -n4 g*re tbem bre>d. No iafenor mao. no man witbont cir>iūulioo. h*s a ehanee to wm ia the raee A» hi» frie»dt | trird b tfov*m hiat 6y /j>nv framA. vTE V1U COJfT*OL HUi BT | AM» mep, lo preveot bim ■. froa bnngiog nuo to as»’ * As i tb«s. oy tboogi«tiai »nd ? thoagbti«m». awakeor h* poot!ird >Bepdb;ie>n aod Dēmoer»;ic bruth«rs. w for doad eert*inty tb« sUrtliag umoo Ux!*y bef >re I the coantry. vea before tbe «orid. aad 1* oow at ieogth get t»ag lipa b.4d eoough to spe*k it»elf w.th broadest menaee be f <r» all m«n m tbe cl«ar iight of d»y: Prec«*iy the a»g tmeut too * asēd hy the mta»āoa%XT partv of Hawaii £ren ministier» of ihe—eaa 1 eaii il ooam.?— mam 1cUiming to h»id dtvme eommU j sion to jiW4Ch »n the a*cred name | of tha iowly iUo ot Nasarsth. *

vh<w md!e •"»* * o**nc>»r. *h« w **• of •>ob«u -a* »»11 »;t3fT». Mii «s f s»« ol »iott ( >r tb« U lea »>>a*u «hom ? th« prood k»i i*H r gbt««>c* | scrib«s *c4 ph«ri*««* of bt# d«v brottght b«fone hun for judgmeot. U»Rspt;a£ hin.—«T*a Stteh mm»trrs t4ocb īn ****«! ;a5t»n<-«5« I eoaKl iH»ei eoae lo bs from Ukm« *Uavi» »o rail oat •5r»t»'*i; the Ute q «eeo. ao*i to pt*e their ( s«r.t't oa lo » noM th*t fruo> U>giBaiDj{ to «o<l hie b*ea aurt- | «ni bv imehen'. fr»aJ. aa»i «oUoee^ Bat b«fore iotro«iao : sg lbe **4«*<ily panllei ’ to Ihe »"rvi< of j R'b T<>4dU »lK>te qaot«4. be*r ah»t one of Iheee reT«n»mi ph«r* | ism. Utely fr>jn tbe Siod*ich IsUn<U »oui at the lweoty foartt Annual of the Congre£.»1100*1 Clnb in B»:*e»t<*a oaly *o lon}» 5£o as the ‘i-»l of l»j*t «n«>otb Fruia t]D:te » Uso£tby »J(iress—tbe s«“Ci!D<l tb»t b»< beeu UteU «ieliTensi on tbe ubjcct be(6re tb»t body. » c;rcon.jit»noe th*l j io itself ehooUi excite »c*pieiott. i»s tbe CoDgtegatoiu!iste b»Te by »11 odds the Urge»t f.>Uo»«n£ »mi the princit««J pecao«»n' sti»»e in Ihe i»l»mU— 1 extr»ct the folioving' *' We c!»im th«t »reacb>ev»Hl the revolntion [it is the Kev. Oliver F. Enenoo «f Hooolulu tbat «s si*eakiugl witboot the »i 1 «>f the l'uite«J Swt> ■■ n»ariu» s < , it »r«s con«5eiTe.l m the h »t «>f rgbteoae iutiign»tiou (!) thal bnrne»l in the bre:»-ts o( Ha»»«iun citizens t ?). It «vs bn»ught t« a sacceasfnl issue by men wbo h»d maile h«mes iu the Un<i, innny of whom were l>orn m «t (!) : The inen who di<i the w«>rk wcre tho> who h-d the nght of fr«n- j chise (?). Men o( «U cb >ses au l Htr«liations were n*prosented. Business men and lab«rers. rall«ed to arms. vere mo*t : of thern n»<H *cho hiui l~-rn *fri//c</, i ami HAD Krrr tiif.msei.ves ix re\di\ess; who bad n»llie<i onee ; and twiee before at the eall to arms for theircouutrv - g<xHl.” Now see. in what itnmedistely follo«s, how tho revereml gentleman'» slory <*oheres in its p:«rts He first rebels the idea that the | revoli«t«oa wns «n any w «y aid« d j bv the mar«nes thus following. j Toclai«n tliat the l niteJSUte8 inarines aided in the revotutioD is to bring a grave cbarge against : the wor<l of a man of nuimj>e.ich- * able reracity and one long an h<>nored representative of the ' l’nited St «tes An<l then. in the very next 1 breath. he adds: **It is to ignoro the fact thnt tha*>‘ marinea icert Utn l eJat an 1 rxciting anJ Jatujeron a juncture, And »n aeennlanee oAth •iyU r*tab1 U*heJ prevr>lrnt *. TO rB<VTEfT IMPF.UII.LED AMEUIOAN LITE8 AXD i ixtehf>T8 (!). Had they not been i laa<led, and h>«d one A.MEBICaX CITIZE\ b<*en left to sut!er for ■ w.iut o( the proteot:oa of his i conntrv’g power, so near at hand. Mr. Stevens woukl h«ve jn-tlv deserved the censure of the en1 tire Americun people. Was ever a raore disconlant m<»b of incongrnities hud<Uo<l t<>gether io »o gmall space' {“Hawaiian citizeas” »n<i “Ameriean citi2ens” are inextricably confonnded, tbeso With those, i and interchange.«blv one for the other. “We achievo«l the revoj lalion without the aid of tbe j Fnit<Hl States marines;“ and yet these satue iu.»rines ap}«:ar to < bave been a very uecessary p»rt of the revolntion»rv pr<>gr»m. f«»r “tbey were lande<l at m «xciting , and dangeroo- joocture to pr»>t««rt i nperille<l Anenean l«fe »nd ini terest»!“ Pr»y, whnl pmj)erty ! had Americao cit«zens iu tbe g >verrmeat baild>ngs that Uo'UhI St--ites m»rinca ahouhi be sent j and stationed there' “How eame yoa in rov henr<v>st anyw»y. if yoo did not enter for the porposa of «t«Hling mv fowls r ’ a»id «n in<bgmDt poalterer t« the midnigbt po»cher. “Indeed. »ir. my obJeot w»s a m««»t lbroevoSeot one.” , s»id tbe other: “mv sole ioteot va» to protect yoar binls ag»īn»t tbe foxe*'" Tet. «ccon!ing to tbe Reverend £roersoo. *‘to elaiin that tbe Uoiled Htate« ro»riaes aided io the revolation t» U> briag a gnv« ch»rge »g»inst the won) «f i * K4S of tuūmpearhahU rrr«*n»/y r ’ In the Iigbt of f»ctg »lready pree>nt*<l in previoo» ehapien». otaserve how the whole plot o( tbe 1 boccaneeriog “m«s«joo»ry p»rty'* * oon»vels ib«if u we »<vk the following qne»tioa»: Wb«t wa» al! tbe exciteiaeot | aboot' Who wt-re tbe exeited one»t What •&< the of th« . “exc«tiag aeui «Ung»rr.a» janctarer' Uad Ihe Qaeeu « g<>vero-1 roeot Ukeo op «rxo». or ata.lv »ny boetife deaoa«tnt«on» »g»inst l tbem’ Hed it thre»tened Amer«c»a life or property? H»d it eveo prof>o*ed »t tb*t time to do i *ny oI tbe»e tbings? Wbo tben *m vfr»id' »ad why f Whone ii(» , ami pronertv were i't..iK)nb«J aod how- lf tbe “H»va»ukaeitī«m’’ bad re*iiy * »cb«eved a Tictory withoat »id. * &» eiaimed. | Uien tbe a*m» oi tke Qaeen roa»t »t »ach Ume h»ve been in their kreh, *nd they powreeed of I ample mean» lo pvotect both ; , lbexn«e!ve« aod tbetr pruperiv. īn ■ - tacb eaee wh»t p*nl amU it 1

ae'.'#'*Mrr to m*rch I*ftited 8t«tw OMrm op tr> (he yrm>rBa»*rt kiMinp. ac4 tbe« U»*rw> ~ud *Ktio> ’Jtlsew w» «« p*nl. «bat hikMOM» b«J th« matio<9 to b* tbfrr «I tin Trotk to leli. tk* trmg cnx>k®da<w» oi tbe wo- ' latīont»t5 frvna tb« be$īai»tQ£ to tke eml of thi» saoet aofortanat« ‘ iad n»mble pwee ©f IVnl » p«tchvork w l'to hoKUr a»ftif«t oo» to keep itt bitrfai ilefi>rm;ty —ba£» ami kUek a* En*ba» — • noek bui from tbe bro»J eye of tbe vorid. Bot no<r eome» tbe Bob looahe irgam«BL Tbe R*»t. OIiw P. Eme '* n <*id—»r.-i hw «« ! ooeo f l'jtton«d «ppi titiijly: **ll i* folly to Mpoak of tbe nght vbk*b tb« B«t!«e b«v« to ib« contrul cf ihe Tbey na s.o boKi !te r>j*f»t. Th*y «k »Dut r»co vbicb h«ve eome to be gre*:.>r »n«l strv'ng*-r ih*n they. Thi t »ist m» fS 0«vrr*Xl»; THK QTtXTl<>V !> WHO *HtU OOV-,tK-V TH2»’ W« eUim th*t lbe> shali not m be to tb«ir omloing tbey b«ve been f**r th« l.»s{ tvooty y«Ats. Ii t* n■: thi» idolntToa» «|uo«D i ’ >. »c«i the uo»crupalou» .virentar**rs wbo nov b*vo the right to mle. bat honcs: m«ft (!V‘ In tho »bove *eveateon )inc* my v >rtby peon» »u«i gr»vo »cd T«voren«i .He»gniurs. i* eouiaiue i the very g*ll »o«l m«m»v of »11 th»t oor nepuklioan iloctrin*ir«*» »n.l tbeir ducipi«» h«vt> b«>en »o vrbementiv i)eoonnciDg :u this gre»t Ameneau Hepuhlie theso humlnHl »nti tu*«n» ye«n gone hy! Atl that is hei») lo !>»• s»creJ :n jtL»t ch»rter of oor libertieH. the I*eci«r»ttou of liuiepemienee. i» i here tet asuio like a l»!«t y»»t*» lilmanae; »a«i ail tL.it our f.«thers fo ght fo» — an»i 'there w»to gi;tute in tbe lami m those ilays —is e»Ht out of the thought «s « worn-out g«rment is «iiscarU«Hl‘ Andyet—how stmnge!— to hear I tbem ileeiaim. aud franticaiiy eieiaim today, with vocifemtiun | lond and ioug. against the resturation of a little feebio eiectir« monarcby smne two thousand milen ■ vay from ourne*n>st eommunicating port' t«od o( our fatbers‘ w.»s ever koowu such | shameiess hypocricy? Alas tiiat it should lu* so' , Cougregationaitsm lH*gau a fino storv in the is!ands s»«ventv-five 1 years ago; bot it bas ioug since abandoned its mi»ion tbere, whieh v»s fooudeii bv i»s fat!iers. ami gone to tbe makmg of monlten go«ls. The queeu au idolator* — well. perhaps so. but wh*t idolatry so dark Aml ho{H»iess as the worsbipof Mamiuou —buving d wn to th«t beast whi >e im*ge and su|>erscription are Casar and U me, whose «ncieut symbuls ' were. «nd are still the screaroing vu!taie. There ts the sm«ll of a carca.se in the islands now. and | thither tiie eagles are g«tbenog to feast aod to prey! I feel irD{H>iie<l to observe. io c!osing these pa|>ers, that it has fur long time Īhhhi matter of «urprise to me tbat the Protastant l>o«lies of the Unita«i Si*tes. nnd ; eepecially the Congregation*lt»U, have been. thus £ar, ail tbrough this Haw.uian controven»y so littio interested in a qu«stion whieh involvos sucb itupt>rt*Dt i issues. It roight seem ies* ! st»*nge, huwever. tfaat it sbonld be so with tt»e inttar Ihk1v, since they, moie th«o any utbers. may ;be supposed to h»ve )«rger f—enniary interesU U> serve th< re. But Jesnitism bas struck ita vite < r«ots every whcr»<. terrorixiug aml ' *ab*id;*;r.g to / ib own u<»e* eborchea, scboois. lii<emn»H« hiuioee, politics— everyth»ng ‘ I ce«se to woud« r tb«t C«rlyle i «yv of it **Uoder Iha» thrtc« stygi«n gosp«i ve have «11 of us I — P*p as. and «t lengtb Prolest- . .«nt too —lhis l«»ng whiie sal;a rdoctnneof <ievd».' I do Ihiuk, | tf tbere ever w«s one." Axrnxr SpAKtS Satick. il»«s . Feb. 6. lsW.