Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — BEWARE! BEWARE! [ARTICLE]


I Private Officers Ordered To Shoot Mr. Ch*r!« Crr |h(>*i the > sttr>mrv f»r th« d»-f"» in lr» j QD*«rnnM »rMt Xlr G>niMgh, f rc-J fnm tS* unw. l- ■- ' iit( !ip« of tL*t Iuik aod *rr*orr ln the C«mtnn!i’tT. ihe ! Wago«r. a AHew t. i |o thr *'ff**ct. lh.it, if »ot |»iv>a | r f -*>1 U b»’-l. • r *arrend-r lh« m >»o •*ni«-r fr*»ni him h* (Wajptcr ) *4» to fir** »«id bit, f »«»sb{«-. And lh-8 •» tSir •*a»iT«nced pnln t i sn" «hiili hi« b-*en it tr <lw il H'l' HiO’aii! !*ave U« atk«l U. S. »il!! 1834 — 1894. Mr. Jubn A. Caium»as. perbaps the most prominent H iwaiian tod*T, eelebrHted hst S itnnl-ky bis 60th birth»li»y. XX e bav6 ptttientlv «aited for his recopnition from tlifse nimm he has oi<t(le. by h s benevolence. wealtbj. The I»n*pitalily aiul geniality of Mr. Cummius b;»YO maile him famoaa f r bevoiui tbe borders o( our Httle inles, an-1 many v e e tl;e mon aml women who g«tbered at his beaot ful home aniiooa to eon - gratulate him on his health anel happineaa on that his natal d»«y. | The Hawaiian Ban«l was in at- j leuilanee an«l the most exquis>te refreshments te>t»fiedtothedesire on the part of ilr. Cumrnins to «1 > all iu his powei to entertiiu and satisfy his guests. May the vener hl* > , aml »lw»vs young gentleuian. s»e manv more div? among his beh«ved , family and his true fnends. i The Reformatory scbōol i,s now , the meeting plaee of the j«oliti- [ cinns. Bv the w«v. whal is the salary of the needy “hara" oot there, and \rhat does he do to earn it? — Mr. Hadrigan a thorougb-go-ing Chicagoau is«gain iu towu j from his trip to the \olcauo and | he is still In love with the climate and the people. . Mr. Davis. a c> rrcaj»ondent of noe of the brightest paper i « Mlt—waukee \\’>sc >ncin i? in town «s a ‘*l«>«>ker on in Vienna.'* Hisletter» wiil be cou9ervative not ‘*chronicalitive.'’ The HoloHUA acknowle<lges the courtisiers, whschare usnnllv ‘ * I extended to the press. by tbe re- i ceipf of soroe 1us<mors wedding j eake. fro»n aw«v back bnt todnv • . ■ j sre Auerb*ck. May they live 1 long aud _ * D-»ctor” XX hitnev had a raeet- ; insf of the Socinl Scienoe club at j his residence l«st even»Rg. The a(uusīngpart is that “Charity" Castle. read a pap**r on “rei»r of aomebodjr. Mr. »nd Mr?i. Higgins of Chi. cago 111. areag«in in towb Mr. - !ijggms i? »'ver 21. »nd »f opportumty serves. will v«ry pro- } bably inv« st sorae of his capita! | in real estate in Hawaii. Mr. L. J. Levev states thal. • * Ihe perfom«ance at the Oj«era House on Saturdav last «»s not * nnprodoc|ive o( good re«alt« to ! the widow of Kaahane and to Henuao K»>>ati A monih’a pay, | e .eh. was obtaine»i. —— - Mr, G«orge Cavenagh. • c*v-" | res)w>t>dent wstb Mr. Artbor XVilder in tbe oowarranted arre»t made by one of the apeeial spies whieh the Polīee Statiou U snp- | pliei witb. has be«a booorabiv ! d:scharged by Jadge Rolert*«a | XVag»K>r i» yet relaioe>l in serrie«. - I Mewn Ordwar aod Prter i eooiinoe lo lhr»w tfcrir g»»d* |ont on lheir wagor» «nd a’moal, |n«>t quite, giv« Ihem av»r to castocnera at rery rr *>nat»-e , rate«. The aeaort{nent kf hrc»cuicg | eo»deo«ed ar.d prrep<ii» c***~ toroer» |>we r.othi« g by re&di&g 1 lb*« r “»d."