Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hk\ry Cox«5don. L II. Dee. (’aliloniia Wiue Co. jO£BEF.> OF Wines, Spirits. & Beers. A»«d in f tnre t e bus >.ess will (k* carr «*d «n »in«i«*r the n ine »• d sty!e of “ CALI FoRM y WINE CO at 407 Fort 'trc«‘t, Melu ruy B *x:k. W0 CHAN & Co. SI*'ix;li!iiit Tailor Kingstxvel. Thonj4s' B!ock. Qvxt door to llolomna otF.ce, All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IX THE LATEST STVLE. Cioth«H Ci«ar-d and Ii»*pairvd. noi7 H. E. M«TNTVKE 4 BRO.. Gbocxldt. Fi:ed Sto*e »t Ba*mt. C >rner af Kmg and Fort tvi> . Hoeoielu.