Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — They Don't Vote! [ARTICLE]

They Don't Vote!

The htm.hcgpiDg schen>e of i tb« P O. to eail a cob»t.tatioDal i COOTCDtioD hu not <lcia<l< (l the ! lor»l cjt.7<‘us of Hawai). Th< ; »fp<car»D -e of the cootitntiona' convention a!»o tr. »y have a ting< of popalarity. hat a do«er look »!jo«» tbe nct in all it» ill.ber» an<i de«|>otic nak<Klaes». W< heer tbe annexatiuaĪ9t* claim’.ng the njeas ire to be a [>«puUr on* ba»ed on tbe troe American pnneiple of “governtneijt by tb< poopie. Hat virtajlly it ia a bmae& a't>*mj>t < f an insignific ar.t minority to contro! a !arg« and |>ow£-rfal raajority. If th* pteat msjority of tbe people d< 'ircs t< be governevl ander « w narch eal form of goven»ment vrhnt r ght haa ilie amal mioority to object ) If tbey do they coraroit a revoluti«.n and tbey »et aside all principles of ] j ulnr guverniuent. Mr. Dol* ri..-.ui. J< i't<nds tho situatiun and the *<trength of his gov< rnnient Ue nii«.t kes the studiovl patienc« of thu H »v\rtiiaiis fur fear or indif ferenco. Nct so. the Hawaiiammn, if tl ey ho ehooae, take pos se-»iou of tho govcniment and not all tho hirod soidiers of Mi 1) le eoahi proveut it for a uio ment. Dot. thc lei*dera of th< lianaiiana froro tbe Quoeu to th* humblest ncvrspapcr inan has told ihem t« rest their ca»o in th< h *nds of Cleveland and t * faith fully ai d patient)y avait hi< decis:ou li«‘ has publldy, l*e f»*r»* Uu world, declarrd tha* he will r»'-*tv»re the st((tu* ',ut in llaWNii. a.»d there i« no: the »l*gl test indication that h* hn» nbai <loned his j*oJicy. Th< French Commi8»ioner arrive< here latelv with orevlentials t<. the Qu<< uof Hawaii. lf, as th< 1*. (» ihougbt. tbo French 0ov ernment w«s laboring uu<ier » mialako, othor emleuliala woult> sp©etlilv bave been senl to th* commissioner, but the geutl*mai i» still hore. accrevlite«l to th* Queoa and officially unawan* o: the « \istence of tbe P. O. Ther* is not, nml cannot be tho g1ight •*st d**ubt iu the nnmls of th* ilawan«ns that jus(ice will b* dooe. aud it is nut tliought tha* the Awericanpeopla who thrvuigl t!ioir j>r*'sidvnt aml through thoirelect«d ropre«enlative8 hav< Ci'udemi <‘vl Stevcns antl ciub'rse« Clevel»rd s pol*cy of restoraiioi for a singlti uoraent would ab»i - don th« elaim v>f tho Hnwaii.siu and all<>« tho ootragocus wnni}. douo to u< remain unrightod, N< H <«aiian or uo loval citiren will < take an **ath to supjK>rt a govern , mont whiv'h imright«omIy hol« : . ! the n'ia - A trulv froe and jv'pu1«r j badot « >uld show tbo pres«nt a*l mi i'tmt on undor l*v «majorily ! *'f. at lo. >t. ton to ono. Tho j*riv. I !ogo of na o!ectovl miaority ol • oighteoi. to sit U>gother with ai ntm*prx > s«ntstiTe aml aoH-eleeUHl majorit\ of nincteoo is nol vcn tcmpung. Mr. l\*lc » att«mpt t* bolstcr hi» gv>vcrnm«ut aj> b\ giving it tb« (aiat so<ub!auc«* of » j*v*j*a.ar g*vcnms«ut may w**rk ahrv>*d; it i» *• Ino . tbia"j to mfluoiK*<* H«waiii*n». 1*»' \ tho P. ( s »lav the last Act ol i thvūr fatc« am! gv> roauvl swcar ; »g. rvg slrat»ng and voting. Tho , play tnl. 1*« for «a>|*ty bench«s j «ml tb«" j Uv it aloae. • • • Frv*m llawaii to Niihan «vcn I Unal citiz»o wili »Uv at bonu i and refosc to re<x*gaia« a gorern m«nt n j*re*«nttng nobody. respcctcJ by nobody ond despisec bv mll.