Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

In th<? published rej>ort of the i i>t C*>uncil it w«sstated tlmt Mr. S I>Hiuon ruade a uio j tion, whieh carrie*i. to aiueml | tlie oalh mentioned in the Constitutiuual convention Act bv , striking out the tactless reference i to the Queen. The law j>rinted j *‘by aulhoritv in the A<iverli>ier l coutaius the oath in its origitiHl , s!ih|h? with the nanie of Liliooka- ' lnni in it. What is itf Or is this I another D.nnon playl 1 - A WH1U: «go thero was a proposition iu one of the 1‘. 0. papers to import Italian laborers. In last night s St<tr a ’‘Ieading’' N>>rweg!aii is sud to bave ass,»rt- » d that he easilv ean g->t of his countrvmen to eome here. lt wou’d be of interest to know f tr>>m what districts ho expects to ;'<>t them. /<<>'■ he is t > gct thern ont here nudat whatcost.and how mueh he proposes to pay them. how to lodge aml feetl theni here 1 uid what work lu* wouhl sssign to tliem ? The Norwegīans undouhte*lIy m»k© very good citizefts, hut we »oly know of ono or of thn f*irst lot who have ma-lo a succcss iiere lf the "leading ‘ Norweg an induces bis coantrymen to ,‘ome hero aoder false prvteu*cs '!■> is n t to ; c>‘ivo a tretti:ient -- milar to that, narrowlv cse»ped * 1 by tbe gent!emau who inducod : the j>oor fellows frotu '*the bigh n >rth to heoome coolies ou Ha w ui*s plauUiion*. 1 { Whxx the judicial Act was m ule and j'i-se\l. erervbodv eom- ■ r V • ♦ ‘ j p imoOt< »1 theauthors for having ' made provisious for j>wn »l *«n»- ■ ><>ns to be nsml :u •ninor cases instead of enminal w trrants lt s*'**ms thougb that lbe new form ,« of procedare is hardly ever us*s:l. and that ewa iloiin jaent t*X- \ |MVMt are yanke*l inlo ja>l on warraots. W«* ah Ht)d cons,ier lhis a g«H>.l instvnce lo n>e the . suiuoions iustead of tbe w«rrant. ! t «nd lhereby g»vo tbe «lel.n<juent « ehanee to produce bis Ux- f | rrceipt or h» inoaey. If ihe prvsent uiethod is continued. it is s«fr to t>redict that tbere will be | several d ini;ige suits ou Ihe uc\t c«lend«r for false impri*oa-, B<otl “HaKar” vos Holt bas evīdently not boeo dancing on niM* in the Hoiean of lulonaa- | lion *cd be so*?ms wiUiag to drop ; I th«t usoless iastituLon. He knowa j *»f tbre« toansts who wero iu- i duced * > c«m« hcre tbroug’i read- j tng aome pamphlei aboot Uawaii. > We would b*ve hked U> know I now bow nacb toyuey tb«we tbree I loumh* apeul h<*re A* Um - i UimMH U«*> expeOvied $3703-67 to I gat tb«M Uirm» man b««, it io to \ . ■m

l»e !!i«t g» v a? , '»aw*n (roa J»TI C«i «tU IIkI lli* l*eft fB.»og'. hebi&d lh-»fn t< mmbcr«f tbn at tr. Th<* Da»‘a i* • t*T&f Mt Mr. ron H.>it t» miaiok c«iitM tn rrwV* |or htTtcs kept op Ihe rerv oaelnsant la-k < f darsning *Jo«—or n«>paring »nb«<Tjbera. Of p*>ar«e »hakiag haikL» an 1 hobRobiog *;ti» tbe Ns»»b of Rimpar U a recoojpensation not tc b« snen«J «t. TiTCU M .\ more foot to eetab!ish : br*Dcb of the Silration artay here. Tbose who l>eIie%e it to be we;l t* * ilmm” Christiamty inlo people $hoold ass : «t tbe *nf>Te. Mk. A. R'v «! ‘C r ..~ etrpha* tic*l!> th*t be, at any tia»e. c«>overseil w«t.» tbe attorDey*general in rep»»r«l to tbe likel »ait* against W. G. Smith or gare him aoy «'surancee that he wouU «lraw the in lictmen*s. or «ny iotimatioc tb »t he » «s connected wit:i the €■*!»«. Mr. li sa as>istel the pr««s«>c tion in the l).strict coart. but that f*ct do'S cert iinly not entitk tbe le.imed attorneyg«*neral to neglect hiā dnty ami shield his neglect by cre«ping l«himl I >s i < broad sboniders aml s iv. " I tl<ougf‘( h*> wis gomg to do it The attomey-general had better find si»me other m«>«l3 in whieh a> whitewash h'.s r«»j»utation fo- n'jU'.t of duty—if nothing~worse. Thf. .4 f(vrbVr ca11s for tbe scalp of j>olice-cIerk RosebilI wliile tho tomahavrk is threatenii.g “dctective” Wagner. What is the in«tt« r with the Refonu “foorce” now?