Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 March 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


HAWAIIAN'. W'>fthiDgtoQ. March 16.—The Senak» amen»lraeut t<> the Wilson bill reqnirmg the Pmiiknl to gire Dutice uf abr»>g»ting the trenty between this <x>untn- aml Hnwaii relating to contraerce w iU be strick«-n out b*'fure the bill p«ssea the S«>nte. Enongh I\>mocratic S«>nators have pn>mise*l uncoDditionally t > n>te | against it tu oiake this alraost I certain. S«>oator Perk>rshas been working sinc«* ti.:e bill w;»s ma<le pob j lk> to show how unwise tt woaKl l*e to g:ve Up the adrantages whieh uur tn*de «njors with Hawaii. He haa proof that British Culmub:.« res.lv the m >iueut it gets the opp« rtuuity tu eoter into a treaty with Hawai». whieh wiil d:rert tho entire Hawaiun tr«de frotn San Fr»ocisc> to Y»ncourer. Snch an erent would be a serere bl»w lo i California. and Seoator Pcrk.ns bas receired nunterous teiegraras j argmg Qtm tu 6ght tbe abr< ga i tire clause to the bitter end MiDistrr Tburston bas strong)y express«-«l kimself to tbe elT*-ct th«t tbe ab*v>gat<ng of the tr«aty j 1 wouid w»rk great iujure to tbe tndnstr;es of hu eoontry, if u were Dot a fact that otber eoan- : tn«a «tre wtiling to piek np the ‘ pium wbicb ihe Deo:ocnits desire to turow away. t'erkms bas received ; a»aur no-a fr«m Seo«tur» K>1« aod Pelf«>r iPop» r and twn«U n Motgan, G>>rmaa and Ro«ch that i tk«f wit| »«ta the «akai- }

- - - - m«ot faiL Othem »fco h»T* &o? cT4smittrJ bat »i!l W «j>t |n w it »rr Bīll. Mltpbj. Al!trS tixi Wh Wj3« in«tou. Msr?h 16 ExScn*t"T L>ln>st<!« of V*?naont. who i« tf e iDtboro( tbe *!necd*net t to tfc** w —*ocitr treatv br «h ;<: h the U a «i Stihs Pwrl River harbor as x co»hrp •iUlioa. »t tbe reqoe*t of the Ajaoeiatad Pr>M todav gvre ■n interrietr on the riphu cf tbe United Sut< < to thvt -ution He said fce was « ;rprised to !e«rn that President D«>!e contended th»t the pmnt of Pearl R:ver barbor was Iira;teii |oonlv eleven yeam. Tbe c!an-e < f the treatv coveri»it; tfce qjK-stioa in fcls o«q » ?rd« i>. * Hi« T>»je«tv, tbe King of H««siian >s!«nda. gn.nts tn tbe G v t -r* n fru:~ f tl-e Unit.*d "t «Us the right to enter the b»rlior of Pe«r! R«ver in the is : and i>f Oihn and to estnbtish and raaintain t!iere a coaiing andrej>air station for the use of vt>sels of the l'nited Stat>>*. nnd to that end the Uoited «States may improve the er.tr;ince to aaid !>arl»or «nd do ali other things ueedfu! to the purj>ose af> resaid. ’* “It is certain.” continned Edmunds. “that the Uuite<l States 1> »ve the nbsc!ute a» d exc!usiv> do«ninion of PonrI l*iver harbor. ihe purp-.se being mmed in the article I h;»ve raenttoned." Washirgton. M»rch 13. The Senate Pinaliee t’- mmittee f «iltd to niake mneh j r- gr<ss iu «l.s-cus.->iiig the Tariffbill at to-dayV ; Nu t !;-»nges of >n.port 1 h«ic« w« re m «de ir mv f the j scl»edjies, ai»d ■ ' iieHU an«l Deu»«>cmtic i. fai!e»l to reuch an agreeraent us to the tirue «l.en tlie bill shou!d be rej»orted t>> the Semte. The R ?j»nblic «n members made a pro{»osition that thev wonid cousent to h «ve the bill reported as ear'v :«s r«ext Toes«!;«v, i>r>»vi«l- • - r ed the Democratic xneiu$ers woukl agree n«>t tu h;«vo a genera! debate t.«Len up on Hie me«sure for teu davs foi!owing - ° this j>erio«l. lndications point to a spirite«l del>«te over tbe c:uuse iu the bill 1 : providing for the ab«ogit on of the H «w.iiiau Reciprocity Treaty of 1873, a subject already begin ning t» attmct ntteution on both s «1es of tl«e ch«raber. A anraber of Senat> rs on the Deiu«>cratic side will object t-> the daose, and it is believed the Roj>ubIi cans aro almost solid in their oppo?ition. Already objection is heanl, not only beoause the termination of the treatv wonhl «lej>nve this country of valnable j>rer p;«tives in the islands, but bec.iuse of the fact that the action contempIated wou!d be a serious blow to the sug>r plunters of the islHu*ls, wbose busiuess, it is cootended. is de(>ei«deot absoiutelv njx>n maintaining frt»e ; eommeieiai interconrse witfc tbe U««ited St-«tos. The eiau-e was iuserted a- a concession to the sng»r interest m tliis c«*untrv, whose friends iu tlse SenMt« will exert au «uilaenee to have it retained. fc'urther infonnation resj>ecting this matter is tli.it tbe f«ct st «res Congress in tbe f.ice th -*t uo mat ter what duty may be piaced on siigi«r bv tbis act. as long as the reciproc»tv treatie- noi m exi»tenee »re nol »br«>gate«i. sug.*r I i must eonlmoe to o>me in free of : dnty from Cuba. Gena»uv. Br«xil Stn Domingo. Britisb P«Kvssi >us »n.l aii lher sugarpn>ioc.ng c>»uutr:es «h.eh enter *si into *reaties onder the reci i proc ty prv»vUioDs «>f tbe MeKiniey l»w S-> l»ng *s these tre, ties | are «n exusteoce. then>f»r«, no j daty placed upoa sng»r bv » generai law will prev>nt tbe free importvt«on of thi» »rticle TLe E»«g!*-«d. pre < t reent- ’ mg on un »Beged de>. .r»Ucn bv Pr«e.iuec.t Dole tfcsl H»w»ii n »v cede P« rl U»rbor U> Gr»at Bri tain.il lbe l aite»i St«teecocti naea to prove onfr.eudly to tbe ? | Provisi»Q»i GoveniicenL i An E»*lern p»per st*t“*; tbere h*• beeo a gr»>at «i-*a! « f t»lk in j Amenew »hout • ir» n*p»ci 6c caVīe j fmm C»iifom«» u» Au*tr»!ia br tbe ' w*y of tfce H»waii»o :»!%nds. but \ tbere ha* heeo noibii>g but uik. . While Aamfii>* h»re been ex- j , }«t>diog tbe r bre >tk »tl e*«X| jrt.ee 1 1» 4ea»»r»tr«*.n« »b» i

*nd be-<£t (f w’f-«rMict i>r‘rcōts a, LV .\»trthr iQ e*b»o •»* h«r» «; rr >rc, in-i j t >•» ;r- -K~ L«- •• r w •' be • r»V •• fr>re N»w Zr»!»c.| t. Hnuea 0 e-i !i. t » S«rr. >i, F* m' J »Td H mjoIo!u. Tn > s F Chr> c>. ts't« « th-r» ary * &r*rvre io Ihe f-c« tHit Amimi 1rw •« b« - bee orierr«i br tbe Nsvr Dep»rt't*ent to taaie 1 d*w of Pe*r« fl*rb»r in i •i:bniit » in«pectio«? Aee rdirg u> marr IVn>ccr5t c orat- rs in C »i$re*s we >!•> n »t nee*l x co»Iir.g «t»tion in Hiwaii, b«t S«r*ury H rberi»ppeir» t-> Ihink t:• vi*u«b'.e. At leail thit i* the v«!r re*s r.«b;e inf-*rrnc* to !»- dr>*n fr».*m his op! r- t<> \dreird f r>« in. The * Wor'.d' of Mirch 16rfc It vco'd «eem thst tho w«r n Fn«t . if il bo proper to ca! ! ;t \ w.*r, is at an eml. Aiimlnl *i.i Gjiu* aiui mxny of hi- ofbccrs have made their esoaj>«. th*:ir vesseis have been tarne-l cv, r t<> the Government. and the in- :rgent f rts have sarrendered .«n«l are &o» g«rrisoned bv Peixoto’s forccs. 8*>me -l.>ubt ex:sts a- :<> the j>reoise where»bonts «f Aimiml Mello. New T*>rk. Mar. 16 -T.;e Hera:d‘« M «ntevide- speoial >ars Admiral de Mello. is at pres**ut in Curitiba. Bmz 1. j>erson.« ly «iirect ug the c-uicentr.it: >n of ti.e s*>utheru rebel land forces uj>on the S.«u Panlo fr uti**r, be d«>es n»t set-m to ll.iuk tfc;*t *he »ause of tlie rcv«>!uti»n is l»st by »ny means b<>c;«iis** Aduiiral da G»ma bassmrend*>r ’ Nevl 16 - V-. L\mtu, treasurer of the Irish N >ttonal LeagnoofAm rka. today is.sued, on !>eli«lf <-f tfcat organiZition, a iunuifesto to the Ins!i N *ti»nalists at homo :>u«l abroad. The address condemns Parlinment ry methods as fut;!e ;«u«i H«ivoc«teH » revolntion as tho oi«lv me«ns bv whieh Irelandc m • • ! acliievo the restor.«tion of her I rigMs. Washingt»n, Mar. 16.—Sen.v tors rejiresenting both tue Democruts aml Bepublic«n sides of | the Committee on Eiuanee, exi j>resse«l the oj>iniou at īhe clc>o iof tfce committee meeting ti at the T;irtff b ll woukl be reported to the Senate on Tue-d «y. W(«shingtoD, Mar 16.—A Tr*asuiy st>tement shows that since July 1 1893, the aiuuunt iuvo ved in stig»r-bonnty elnima was »12. 010. 355. of wliieh $3.542,001 has alre.tdv been paid. Tho c>>b i halanee iu the Treasurv at the close of business t d.*y w;«s $L16.8.'>8 212, aml tbe «ut goki $107,278.945. W >l«ingt >n, M \rch 15.—Ti;e ! blauil silver seigniorage bilj passed the Senate today. It bad l>een anticipated, howev«?r, tit.it the majonty wouKl lie larger. Ou I tin.il passage the aye> w re fortv- : four a«id tbe noes thirty-one. « maj»r ty of thirteen in favor of j the bill. B >ton, M irch 15. —R \ Pet«r J. O C*l gh.»n of S-»ith I* • ton. »n eKxiaent Paalist priest. will pre«ch the Et>ter ser-u»n ia j Applelon l’huel, nt Harrard. Wasbmgton. March. 15 —Com modore Kirk!.m«i has bc»*n ord- . ere«l to t.>ke con>msi.d «>f the Soutb At «nlie Si«ti>n. Sec«ej K»ry Herbert tnis ra.*rning cab! to Admin«l Benham »t Kio to «>r»cced «mmediate!y with ue • f * the r essels of hi» squvpl«vn t > Biuetiefcts. Nic»n»ga». t > w«tch over A«nercan «cten>s»s there. Denver. M.ineh 15.—Thi« h«s been « day • f int*.>n.>e excitement in Denver. Sceoes unpar-«l!ele<l «u tbe history of the c«ty have been witn* s>e*i. Gorern r vl “B. *«.»d lo tbe horse’ bruiie!i«’ f»me. c»ile\i oct the fc':r-t Regi cnent »>«41 īhe Ch - tr ** ! *:t ii!ery to »tt u« ». Iy li«U »nd J *inre tberefr*Mn the Iwo Poi c« - Come iss c v ner> wt»€» 3»-8- \ fc;> • jHi»er. »ntieccbed behmd barri- ; | c«d»l dc*or» »nd »uriv>QDded bv hondreds ef «rtn*-d poLeem* u 1 ami dep'ity-sherilfis, re»«ly !o do U*eir duty.