Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Weather to day is eloso, wind N E. T!ie hoycott not yet been raised by the Chinese. E«sterS ndt\ tomorrow; spe : eial sor\ ices in aH the churches. The Kebek>th sistors htd h spro«d in the Odd Eellow’» hall ■ j l«st evening. "Detective” Wigner was dis chaig»'d this morning from Mr. : Hitchcock’s force. Mr and Mrs. J. .1. Williams retorned to Honolnia. by the; Au*tmliu this morning. T!.o >toamer Australia bronght forty five saloon passengers frotn the Coast this morning. There was (jnite au addition made to tho merabership of the ) ■soheutieu club 1 eveuing. — •'Dotecl'vo ‘ Wagner‘s last | raid as reported in the 'Tivr this <oorning. will pr*>bably now. surely. caose his dismiaaal from tbe force. M tjor Wodehooae. British i Cummis*oooer visīted the Ja;\aneae war-ship Takachibo today «r.d a rweive i wilh the srtlutes . due Lis rank. Ge(>rge Walter W xsbmgton j will preseat an atblet ! c enter- j r | Uir-ment. for thc jvttronagc of the p blic. this Saturday e\ening at the BereUnia strvet armory. •■Ji«my** Btiringtoo, tbe well t known scienti£c bght-weight will ! engage in a bosing contest i Unoght wilh the h«rd-heavle>l aod shifty sparring instructor. Geo, Walter Washington. The Euttr > rv ,-e* at the Sl, \iidrew‘s Cath-«ira! wiil b* a» fv>Uow«: lU(trr Evr: 7 p m. Eeeowo^ and pmeeaaum. E«iw I>ay: 6.90 H-dy Communion (Chon!); 11M»tina anj Sern*<»«; l’i -00 Moly C-»mmo-uioo; 3:30 Kv>u» .«j (Hawaiiau) *ud ib|<ua.t, 7 A> C»< •v><H| «UU

Hmtt r«in «Hn*frs bm b«a f>rvvai2īa£ lqr .T4> tiie p*rt of tūe «fternoon. Tbe J.' *rrired brij;bt «o<i e*rfv lb;s m >rnīng. On fcer luit out Tny»a«? slie ‘‘hippe»! « be«TT se* Trhich carr.ed att«t «om* staaclnons ac i a pcrtioo of tbe o!J smoking r>.KE. Tfce leetore «t Kawaiaheo chareh thi<i erening ».II be a dap!icatioo. ;□ H«vati«n. • { the rery inter-<iting deecnptioo g>reo by Mr* M L G*n3 of tbe *‘Ruioe illastr»te l, «t Y M C’ H.-ilI to a de!igbted .*'!•! enee. on last Tuars.lay eTeuing. There si ! 1» eci.il -ar g~ pl<*ced ois tlse cylinders of ti.e |»hou*>gr *ph> :it tb>- Po u! »r Phn »gr<ph Parl»*rs Ariington '»»!tei «tre*-t. tl»is •Tening. Rkmember ti;e eh > e of -electionsi nt Mr. St eckels phiee corers n wi<le range of siibj»‘cts. Mr. A E M tiiri the scting bosiness m«n*ger f*r Mrs M L G.»ns the interesting. leotur»*r is h verv enp ible nrti>t in pb< togr>iphv «s cvideuced oy tlie 1 1 ntern s!id- s whieli ar« dis;'layed ;»t tbe enterteinments. Tiie S F Uaiiy /»<■/ . ' h.ns a loug !ett*-r froru S. E Bi-liop, iu his eapae ty as correspoodent, aud st»tes tbe 1 »te snnrey of Penrl Harbor ly Admiral Irwin and other naval officers was raude simply by tbe Adtuiral for bis own pen> >u d information. Mr. C. A. Brown statea. the price for tbe lands at Pearl Harbor is already arranged.