Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — ALONG THE RHIHE. [ARTICLE]


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Lec^rt. I/wlon.” ta !« | tarr. gi«-B wbm «bort tia« »go J*t k»w*i h*c- Cherrh br Mrs M L (iu.* iolr**l>.K'e 1;> .• y | lo the fp»n«r!tl pohlīe »6*1 »i«-<the be atifo! sl d<-$ «rh ilin>trvte her wll (lciiTcrtd ector * on Tati'>08 thl-fUK» 'Tl! S j «aeeoo-! occ-**mtt. «hen Mn G tts >v*-d L» r <b ’ v m~ a N|v.bit «a.i iutcivstt g !*'-rr pt«re r ».»*• »t ihr Y M C A H ; oir th. 23r i .r.>t T tl*e E*.j;ii!*b • >pir ”{ the Coi»»u. «r!i* | rc r!.t in {{ *tce lo * :«•«■ lbt* h’ iic< ani l.*t i» !•* th** »t .rie»* sb eh >«r * ; e »«mected » tb t!»jt | »*rt 01» «{ ■‘Va.l«*r».u*l or t» r»» ny. s»ta t* d » *.g tii«? 1> »*.• ** **f tli«? g»» ;Cll K l!l*. l •!«• ir. ! r**r .4U*l %:«w« w.-n*. > *..>■* * 1 of » cU«b char »ctur «ud t* e ' |'l’ ■ ! thoro«igh* ut t«'>t fii*l to tbe »j! on’eiulK.o of th« .-e >?p i.*** f *rl>uis a lei»gtheu**»l • \tr«ct frt>Hi the in4er*->tmg lecl*»pe »le!iTcn*»l In Mr» 0 »i>>. or « *'»*«i t«* iaeut:i»n. 'i' >liu<;i*l h iloue, llie KCC(irate iu,tt»ip<>h(t.”n <>f ti>e po»«*rf rl ia t rn an«l r'*}-r *<1 *cli »ou <>f the pictures In tbe oj**'r it«*r. Mr M iunce sufli e it to >«y tbat tlie auilieuee were fir>t sboirn Cologne ar.J its firoous i CatbeJri*l, tbeuce to tbe city of Bonn. wheu Beethov» n w.«s boru. Then lolloweU in rapid sacct“ssīon b(*autiful pictures of pt.nces mnie { .muii8 iu song. stoiy and his- ! t<»ry. Uie f»ir lect’irer >ictiug h> an accoiu)tlisbeJ courier eu <n <ntt. Altogetber oue hondreil .»nd e:g’!t pietures w»>re cast up.>u tho eaoTi»s Hiui » T»*ry one j*r» s ui r* ceiv6»1 full value fi>r their p»tr>*nage The lecture. on the “Khiue.” was repeat«*d last SatordaT eveniug at tbe Kawaiahao Ciioreh, to an audienee composed of H iwii • ians.Mr W L. Wi!cox tbenoted Legisl.»tive interpreter. '.nt»-rj>ret-ing tlie views froio wntten m»tvs by Mrs. t«»ns, Tiie cnthnsius»u whs great and tbe displ»y g»ve 8ai'sfact.ou tc the uud»euco j*re sent.