Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The weftther today is v«na, bat pleasjnt. i — : The moanted polioo are still beiug added to. The N.miv« will lea*e fcr Japau on the 29th inst. Bnsiness is very. veiy dall. in town io nli l>nes of trade. George TV.t8bingt»n gives boxing Iessons, in Hoiiolnin. - ■ The grent I seen s to have been knocked ont by aQ (qaene)! T : ie l*. S. C-)nsnl .te now sports auother new Amenean tg. Tiie D >ard of Heniih will vory probab!y meet tomorrow afternoon. Miss Helen Wilder gives a dance at tbe £sb.mk resiJetce tbis evening. 1 .. „ '— . i Mr. Hay W odehnnse is report ed t • be 8erionslv ill at his home on Beretaniu street. Snnday band concerts socm to be a coming eveut, m tlie indetinite fature.

I i - Tbere was a snrt of inonke}’ and parrot tiioe Lad ftt tbe meet- ) ing < f the Secret Le.igue ]fis>t J evening. \ Havraiians will prohably ho'd J severul rneetings tliis week t>» » discnss the HĪtuation and tlie J coming election. \ j , Mr. AV G. Iiwin wbo lias fnr nearly two weeks been coi»!ined to liis bouse.tbrot.gb ind sj < sition, is arouud ag >in. , Eamoi is that Wagncr i:itonds to open a priv«te detect ve office i of liis own, and eoiploy the inouuted poliee. Capt»in Hondlette will bnve, at leist. tbirty-tbree, representatives of the gentler sex to tike ch.nge of oa bis retnrn trip. I Fears are somewlmt goneral aiuoi gst p)antati> n owners that tbe J.ipHtiese on n 1 tbe plnutation will eng«ge in strikes. A ne-tt rew gr«nite cnibing lines tlie P.ilaee sidewalk from Likelike street to llie corner of fl.cbaids’ street and Palaee wnlk. Tb’nks nre retnrncd to Mr. J B Malholm Hawaiian vice c>nsnl gein ral at Honolulu for news fa\OR» receivtd. Qaite a nnmber of prorninent 1 «nd well knewn loc.il resi«lents are booked for passage bv the Anstia1ia tu tbe Coast, oa Haturday ncst. Tbere is a stong indic itlnn tli.it the ste.-»mer Austrniia will carrv n verv he.iw mail. as well ns ot!ier • • matter, furward. Dun t be late with vour letters. | ' : Lnge, sweet. in everyway lns«'iuus. .*.re tbe oyster coekt>ils whieli are dnily disappearing down the oesaph.<gus of const«nt callers at Bdly Canningbaui’s ! coruer. | Yeste rib»v was the jnbtiee •iunivers*ry of tbfc rec< ga tion of I tbe independence «>f tbe Hnwniian lsl«uds bv Belg:nra in 1844. Time wns when tbeBtlgiaa ti g I would bnve been snli>ted. Tbe boildings etc, kn>'wn ns I tbe Kalihi Btvwery f«»rmerly owued by Mr. Oiibert Waller wh>» expended ne<rly $30.000tbere‘<n, w:»s s>Id vestrvl«v. j * _ * uudcr the Lammer. for $13,000. Tbe mortg:«gees were tbe p »r chat9rs. Tl»e dnnce given l.;st nigiit bv tbe S >us uf St. Geurge wns n d**c «led sacoess Tlie nnll «>f the “Sons ’ wns «leeomleil in a most t-«stefal mnuner nud tne numer<>us Suus (nud d.»ughten>) «>f tbe Cr wb<> met there, **a]oyed \ theraselves iui;ueuscly aud k»pt , up tbe fuu until tbe b<>ur wbeo — - : 8«y wheii, W.igaea usc«I i > rul« ' tb<* luoeL /