Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — For The Golden Gate. [ARTICLE]

For The Golden Gate.

Tlie<mtgo ; ng >t- »fDer Ar<8traTa Carti»E Hn dl-tte. wu'eli wi!l le*re !»ere tor S»n Fr4ac:gco on SatanJav- neit will. from presenl I ir.d;c »tions carrv forw.trd to tbe Go!clen G-»te a ereat»*r oi p »ssen"ers th «n ever l»efore t •k» n bv even tb.it popnl*r vessel. Follosri' g is the 1>t of names alreaily b'oked. and tbere are niore yet eipected by tbe coming Thorsdav: Mes<l tmes. R W L'»gm R F rhes and cbild Birt' n. C H Christie. C U' gi;t an-1 son. Capt S>nith. A R--g.»n, L C Ables i;r»l eh IJ. B.ind, J A H- p; er. EiiLekmao, Ti!eston. W«-rlich au*l ehiU Mis>es. Hva Wiukle, Alsip Ilomer <2- C H KeUog. Mosgrave. W Cbr stiu, Jal:a Cooke, H (i Forbes. B irrows. Agncs E Ju<U Cbnrcb aml e^mi'^nn. Mr. nnJ Mrs I* E Maleolni. W A Brown and ehil-ln-n. Dr Andrews. F H Mic{.irlane, E Gupf and C M Hobbv. Mess»s. Dr. J A Clood, Dr E M Peas»*, Rev F E Band. Frank. Peasc, E M Pe.t.se. If L vau inkle, A C Limaeli. A Brouson. Thos Kenton. F Ken:ut, J H Distelrat!i. Eilgar Le\vis. Wm. Le*vis J N Te;.l, J M EUhelnU, J A R ss, W W Liudsay iiud L V Liueoln.