Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — THE SPRECKELS COMPANY. [ARTICLE]


II 3 Attom9y Bishop R2:ams from Hawaii e f 1 Thos. B. B;shop of the law firm of Garber, B > ilt <fc BLshop, * r«-tnr:’.e»l tbis morning on tbe - Maiipoaa the Sandw;cb 5 i'ituJs, Mr. Bishoplef! seven weeksago ‘ ia qaest «f health at tbe s-.rae t me ful5!ling an important basiI nt-ss mission. He w.s tbe confioeuiial represent »tive of C. A. Sj<recke sand the Hawaii m Sogir ■ ::n lCo nmercial Corapanv, aud while absent was cng gevl in louking ap tbe tit!es md exfvrti.ig tbe accoonts . f the coiDp.»ny in tbe isiands. wbere t lieir estens.ve real and {>ersocal pr.'perties are !ocated. Ever sincQ tbe big compromise of tiie sn t. after whieh Cl tu.s S:>reckeis found hims-if witlioot a doilar’s in the enterpnse whieh be had began, the new managoment bas beeu engsged in takiug iuventorie3 of tlie c-»mpany’s pr -jiert es. ver.fvi»ig financi.il siatcuients and shaving duwn ex]>eiises, Aitbe!egd represent itive of tiie new coioj»-my. Mr. Bisi»<>p while absL-nt w rked along tbose liu-‘s. He f uml the realty holdings of tbe corporati<>n t > be verv estens<ve. IInndreds of titles were ex <mined clnims :uljnsted and acconnts so settled tbat tbe main «>fiicu uf tbe company irī t!iis citv wII! soon know exact!y tbeir fiuaiu’ial and legal stnnd:ng 0f ti<-> 40 090 acr» s owned by the in tlie i, lands no<rlv (>,0lH> are planted iu sng-»r e u.e. Mr. B s!i<>p s,ivs the eom- |> iny is in i» most ll >arisiriug eoiuliti >n und wiil thisyear bave «n ont|Mit of over 10,009 tons of , s:>gar. Tue Rpreckels corap-»ny also owns 75 miles of r.nlroad aml a nnii.btr <>f great sapply :>gencies. AI>out 1 700 per»ous, pnneipall}' Moi;golmns, aro cmi>I -yed ou tbo i ]>l.<ntations. Since t’ne transfer of tbe man- . agement, n few mout!is ago, by Ciaus Spreckels to liis sons tbe | v«lne <>f thc stock l>.is gr«-t'y lenhanc*d. Onee worth $00. it tlu*u had rend»ed tlu low ebb <>f $5 per sh:iro. Kow it is .-<ga:n | worth $60. llnlolph Spreckels Pres?< 1 >nt 1 • f t!ie company, aeeoinoanieO Mr. | Bishop in uis visit to the varioas I l>!a:itations M >n.<gerGusS| x-eck-1 < 1> wns expected today, bnt Mr Bis'io;> says he will return by the next steamer. Speaking of Hawaiinn land tith s Mr. Bishop sa<d that tl»ey wer.* ioost iutereating to him. showing tl»at a real feu ial s\ stem liuil ex<sted there. A l t<tles eame frn»n tlie g<e it eliief throng'i his 'ub-cl»iefs. The jidiciarv of tiie l »nds l»ad always heen sing nl irly efilci<-nt, «nd he fonnd no di!hculty in g«-tting correct ab stracts i.f t:t!e; ia f.ict it Was a very simp1e matter A> to atfiirs in general in the is!ands Mr Bish >i< said that he d<d nofc remain qnite long enongh fc<’ get au adeq;iate idea of the sit «ti n. He h.nl speut m st of his tiiue ;n s’ght seoing and he had f mnd the isl i»id iudescrib <b ly beantiftd aiid iuterestii<g. fhe poople seora t<> think as n.neli :>s ever - f tiieir »»ld Qneen. At tbe same t me, tbe Provision.»l (4 *vernment seems to have a good gr»sp on atf,ii»-s There were eiements uf unrest q nte appur , ent. H ; s tr p ba«I done Iiim a w«>rld of go<«I, and be i»ad not been s.ck eitber g‘>ing or e m:ug ;»cri*8S ilie « eeau, altb<>ngh Mrs, B sbop l».-.d been at times nuweli - N. F EuUelin Caseircs Ihe smnggler, if no hi g wurse, is on trial iu tbe D strict eomt tbis «fternoun. The Bu mlman r**sidei»cos were uot »>1.1 »t M «oelion lJ .y F»«r one «>f taero <2 3U0 w.s bid, bal the offer was not I :«ccegte»l.