Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BiudneH8 (’ards MACFJLBI*ANE A C0. Ikalm in H' inea and S}*iriU S; wt Bw>W(. • H F. BEKTELMANX, OOXTRACTOB AXD PriLDEB. 86 King St., E»*U Telephon« 107. F. H. KJT)WAKD. COXTB*rTOR «*t> Bm r *EB, No. 506 K»Hi;Street. Hoiiolo'u Hawaiian Is!.i.Ts, HARR‘SON B1I()S., ICT COXTRAtTORS AXD Bt*lLDEE." 208 F«>rt St.. Honolnln. M H I.OHEIPE 81GX AXD 0KVAME\*TV1. PA1VTER. [ H.iw.iiu«ii II. nlwup* Co J • All onlers prom»*t'v a:ten«leil to. I • » w r. o. Koi rz • ī IWl 881 - W. W WBJ0HT A SON Carrlarj au>i If'.//.»>/ lhiihlrrs IN AI.L ITS »BAXTMES. 79 and 90 Hiae Strt*«-t, Hoo.iinhi. H. I. Ell?.s Kaulu ! aau Wright DE\TiST.^l Gorner of ,King er..! Kelhel w Entranoe on «OiJg Streot. Hocbs— From 9 «.m. to 1- ’.u.. 1 to 4 p.m. Suntlays excepted. PACIFIC 8AL00N, Con»’r Kir.fi an i Nun»uu EDW. WOI.TFB... M«n*fier. Tbe Kinwl •»*!. < non of 1 lQUOKS »nd BEER. «U.i »nj«h.T> in tbe to«a, Ftr«t-c]«w> kllen.imee, C»11 «o<i jg.|g» lor y«ar*cJf. no S0-tf. J. PHILL1PS T PRACTICAL PLC"BEK, OAS.Fm*ER eOPPEK 8MI1H. JC£" Hon#e and Ship Job Work Promptly ExccuteJ. Xo. 71 Kmg Street. Honolol i. “FAT B0Y/ SALOON I P. McIXFRNT, l Rorh.!m>*. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cnxn BmR am> nnu Sn. » W.W. WRIGHTASON Mmm i hmMim U lx All Its Bra\thes. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 97 anil 80 Ktnc 8i, lloaolole IW0HC SW5 OHOH6 k 00. I Co23Ltxactor *fco. Wo *!so k»>op on h»od BE0ST£A0S. UāTTRASS£S. Ta8L£S* 800KCā$£S umfms £fc.. AT TH£ L0*£S7 »AR<£T P*tCi Xoi 216 K; g *t. Uonolnln