Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — An American League. [ARTICLE]

An American League.

— A secrf*t labor organiz ition, ; whieh has fc*-pt its secret since Dccembfcr *27tl» - rat!ier a ionjr tune to keep a secret in the cirjcnrasttnces —raet in Lansing, Mieh., yestenlav. Theorganiz itiun is t ■» be ealle»! the Order of Lov.»l A:nericans, and is to be non-sectarian »»nd non-partisin. bnt is to *‘take a proraiuent part iu potitics and pursne nn aggress;ve policy.” Its moveraents are to be in accordance w»th “milit»r)? orders from headqnarters.” We fear tbe !ife of the new or g.»nizition will be bnef tho»gb be.»utiful. We hardly think any large nuraber of Americaus will be directed m thoir polit eal coorse by anv milit»ry onlers ; from any headquarters. As iot the cggressive po!icy. asoally in 1 sucb c*ses it consists ia a raul I uj>on tbe pockets and sacks of caudidttes, foiloved by a diwy of eoin by the oficors uud the d»#tnbatiou of a ration of soapU> tūo eauk aad