Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I TRUSTEE ? XOTICE. All partīes h<*TĪEg daims ' apainai Sax'l K Kwakaia and L\m v Piieloi Kaxaka»a o! O-iha revjneste»1 to ; i resent tLeisi !•> tbe andersi£iied bef->re the 31st day <>f March, 1SW. AIl rents dae the part;es ftbove mentioned mnst be p*id at onee to ir.e personaUv. AEKAHAM FERXANPEZ. Trastee. Aiir\(; tt Co. XrrAxr Srsrrr. F{. B!.vk. Opp. Qvtxy Ej»«a IIau, H-iao!cb. AUE ’.E ASS >KTMFNT f Pi.cv.nal*, C Bn.«iA fk.Ua, Braiis, ! ntt<'-BA, assorteJ triniimaci. NEW PATTEKN* D if'n*Ls Tww«l- acd 8«‘rge. Mar!u-3m THE WELL KNOWN THOHOUGHBRED KUXX1\G STALLIOX fcfc Dnke Spencer*’ Will St tml the Seas n at tbe St »blt>s of A. J. Cabtwrioht, Esq., Makiki. Foe. Fifty DoIl; in; p yablo at fm-> of service. (rot>d care taken of Mares; not resp »nsible for ae-cidonts.--Duke Spt-nc*‘r, bay; hoig!it, fifteeu un-l three*qnarter haoiis; of tliemost gentle disposition. m.ir 10 Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTEIl 6< Honolulu Grirl,” Bred at the Glenmore Kenne!s, Berkeley, Cala. Rogistered ( N >. 31.098) A. K. C8. B., New V rk. Sired by I.ee R.. wiuner of I)-rby ut Ihe Pa; eilio Co st Piel.I Tria! al Brtkerstiel.ini 1890. he by Ro iuer ;9.490) lruiu PhyIlisII ( 2, !♦>•>), Kotlney. the sire of l.ee R., by IV>c D., fr->n> K»te D., f.3,710] from !*hy!bs 11 ['J !(>.*>] liike [212] fr uu I'hvlli- 474. The dain of Hon luln Girl was Belle GIadstono, the on!y daughler ou the Paeiho Coastof ehampion Gladstone (113); frota Zell, 3.864).; by D.tu, [1,336], from Cham- ; pion PeUel, [8,427]. THE POINTER 'Honolulu Duke/ (30,853), bred nt the Shabb na KonneIs, Ott.iwa, 1 I. / bv Deror.shirc Son, (7,34.71; from Shurb«, (Ō.263). The D.im of Il-molnln D-;ke is Ueile, by laek; from Ilelle D. by Triukett’« Baag, (4,117). Honoluln Dnke is thorongbly brcke on pheasants, \vith stauncii po nts—m all-day d< g. F->r fnrther purticulars. apply to or address W. M. CUNNINGHAM, raar 10 A.\chor Saloon*. O.T. AKAXA [V[er i cljaiit īailop! 321 Nuaana Street -Avll Snits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latcst Style. Clotbos Cleaned and Repaired. no!7 ]iIationaI lfon Woi 1^ Ql'£KN* Stp.eet, Between Alakea «fc Kicbard Sts, THE rs*r EK.SK;N*ED w piepaw-l to I make rll kmds of Iron Bmss. Bronze, Zicc Tin aod Les-i Cuhsg<. Alao • General Bep.dr Shop fbr Steum E-ce MiU«. Corn Mdis, W»ter Wheel», Wind Mills, etc. Maoiunrs lor the Cieaning oi Ccffee, Castor Oik, Be*sa, Hamie, Sisal, ; Pinaapple Leaves i other Fibrons Pl*r.t», Aod Paper Stock - AKo AUehmea lor Extr»cting Starch (rom the Manioe, Ano» Boot, etc. Al! Orden promptiy attended to. WHITE. RITMAN CO. ! ■ - W. S. LUCE "Wine anel Spirit Merchant e-unpUU Firt~proof BlocL, ' M£RCHANT ST., HONOLULU