Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

j E, Bf\o niPOKTEBS A.ND DE*.LERS IN Oroceries, • I > i'ovisions m Feed ? j EAST,CORNER FORT± KING STS. ■ > ' New 6oods Rec'd Bv everv Packet frora the Listera States *nil Eueoi'-e. Fresh CaIiforn!a Prodnce by every stearaer. All on.lers fa;thfollv attendeJ h', and G-> ds <lelivered to anv part of the city FIl£E 0F CilAlUiE. Islan l Orders Sat : sfaction Gaaranto 1. Pots Office Box N *. 145. Tolephone N<>. 92.

LANDS AT AUCT!ON Bv virtne of ao onler issoed bv the Coort throngh the Chief Jnstice. Hon. A. F. Judd. in i regard to the Case of \\ ILLIAM WATSON et al. ngainst David Watson, there will be sold at Fnblic Auction. at the Auction l!oonis of James F. AIorgan at l‘J ic* eloek iioon. on SATURDAT Liber 16. j>'gos 127 and 128. Tit.e |x rfect. l) -eds at the exi>i‘us. s of the | Purchasers. For further |>articulars a>>ply to William C- A' HI, Attorney for the ComiDissioner. or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Comroissioner. Honoluh»; Feb. ‘23, 1894. Henry Congdon. L. H. Dee. California Wine Co. JUBBEKS 0F W ines, Spirits, & Beers. And in f itnre the bnsi:iess will i be carried nn nnder the n nae ard style of “CALIFOBNlA WINE CO at 407 Fort street uy Biock. LEWI3 i C0„ fthoiesale and Retail Grocers AXI? PROVlSION {DEALERS.i FRESR GAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every Ban Francisco Stenmer. Salt Salmon IX BaBB£L8 a Specl\lty. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. Long Brancli BATHIN G Establishment. This First-class Bathmg Resort bas been enlarged and is now o).ien to tbe public. It is the b* st p'aee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay od. Special aeeomj muiiatioos for Ladies. Tramcars pas-i the door every haif hourand on Satnrdays and SamLiys every fifteen minut<-s. 0. J. $HtH .VOOO Pruprietor.