Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.il HOLOMU^, 15 prBLI5HED Everv Aftemoon EXCEPT 8CNDAY ET THE Holomua Publ:shiag Co. At King St. (Tbotnas block), Honoluln, H. I. p:r 2&nth, so cts. The p» > T i» Minml by Carricrs in the j town liml <nbcrbn. Cupie* f.>r S«le| it tiic News »ad tt tLe Office of i pablication. EDUUSD NORRIE, - - Edltor A BRAHA.V FERNANDēZ, - Manager\ XOTICE. All BnMDCM Cominurication» shonl<J be a i<irc * l to A!'rah«m Ft-nmuder., Honolulu, H, I. Corre-|>ondenoe an.l Conimnnl«ition8 for i’ablicntii>u sbonld be ;d lrcssed to the E<iitor ilnw .M M lonma. N<> nonee will be paid to auv ummymons couimuuicatioQS. 13nsiness Oards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Officc: 113 Knahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiiau Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, attorney at law, Office: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Ilnwniian ls1ands PAl’L NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Mercbant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telepbone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. OM Caj'itol Bnilding, (Honolnlu Hale), adjoining Post Offioo, Honolnln. JOHN LOTA K AULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Office, corner Iving & Betbel Sts. LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and Oenenil Auctioneer. Comer Fort and Quccn Streets, Honolnln Personttl attention givon to Sales of Fnrnilnre, Real Estate. Stock nml Oeueml Mercbandise. Matual Tdephone *J3S A. ROSA. ATTORNET AT LAW, No. 16 Kaabnmann St.. Honoluln, Hawaiian Islands. H. E McINTTRE & BRO. f Grocert. Feed Store & Bakeby, Corner of Kiug and Fort SU., Honolnlu. Kmpii’e Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Pnonum». Fine Wine& LiqQQi% Eeei*, ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner Nnnann and Hotel Streets Bell Telephoac 3S1. Post Office Box 32. W. S. LUCE ine and Spirit Merchant C<tmpbM Fire-jtroof BUkI, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU