Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THe /\wa^ded. ; Anheuser-I3usch I3rewing: Co. Wic I?rize at the ■\V’or*lcL , s l / air wlth their EAGLiC J3rand 33eer. St. Lons. Oct 2*v 1893. Maoeaelane & Co., L’p., Honolalu. H. I. Ji' "r Si.'s: —We have mailed von a eopy of tne Gf <bt-D’ ii\ocrat I tbe great victory won by the As*HEUsEn-BcSH Assoc1aj tiox with ‘.heir * EAGLL ' BrauJ of Beer. [S5gned3 ANHEUSEK-BCSH BEWING ASSOClAriON. 9 i i! »: 5$ £ ■ ■c ACt m AHK X k £ - e — l 2 m SB ia V <4 £ N <3r URISHtw> £f?“In orJering this Beex besnretoa.sk for the “EAOLE" BrauJ. ATacfhrlane & Co., M»r. 14--2mJ. Aq< nt* f<>r H(tiraiinn Dlan<h. AT THE CLEB STABLES. “ CREOLE ’’ 21,702. Race Record Fourth Heat 2:15. H Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1393. S : r> Pronspt«r ° 30-> l>y Rl> e Bul!. T">; D.mi, Graee, br Bnc>sxneer, •J.fi.*i6. Prompter is nlso «he Sir -uf A| i, 2:26; Tr.uisit, 2£t5.1; Walker. 2231: Walr>. 2:27; Chico. 2:24: aml of the I»:.ius HiilliauUne, 2:17 an<l V!por, 2:23. “I'iiloi e" is iel bluk, oue hind hite f ot and .-niull slr;pe iu fnse. l,(SO ponnds; is very stylish, gentle, a x>d pr !u<vr -nd a eame r»C6 t»rse, W>!i stand f»r a Bniite 1 nmnl>er »f num sat wl good pr»ttnec-r »n<l a gann FIFTV 301.!.AI;S FOK TUESl.ASOX. p .yabie nt ti:ne of - rvice. This horst >vas bred iu lSir2 to forty-sis mares au i produced f»rty-two co ts. fob 17-im 10. 3 r DAYIS. OR WA Y k PORTER. Jiohicsin Block\ HoUl Sf., hctwcen Fort avJ Xunann, Have L<t( : viJ.]n 1 i>lc / u ■'r’s. <1 e1 nf ctt SIccl> of fUK MIULE Ever In>| cited to tl is Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom S:ts ln {•*<>]i<l < )iilk. ar.dof ike LATESTDESĪGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENa 10X 18 CALLED T0 THESE 8ET8 ~SKT z. O 2S1E5 3=5. !FSL IīJ , Beant fnl D> s gus *»f Wick-r Ware, cōnsist;ng of S0FA8, CHA1BS, H0CKEBS. et>-.,yon ean get these in »ny FIN18H vo i jesire. CHAIRS, Countless uorabers of CHAIBS. iu overy style, iacladmg 0FFICE an.l HĪGll CHAIBS. ds;sots:n’szo2t tables. We bavo imJ a numbcrof calls f r these T.-»bles, with CHAIKS t* match. A\ e hsv6 now in stock tli£ inost EEAUTIFUL DtNING RJ0!fl FUBN1TU8E EVER SEEN HEBE Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers 235- X)X VANS.^3 D vans corered w:th P0RTIEES are beconiiug qnite the r >K° plaee of LOUN(rES —w» munafactare them to orJer, and htive a laige stock cf POBTIERS to se! from. OOOIIT Grevt AssortmentofWOVEN IKE MATTBESSES Sprinf;.n !ir M oss, Wool and Straw Alattress*-s ou hand anJ made to orJer. L1VE GEESE FEATHEE8 u J SiLK FLOSS fur PiPows. CHIBS. CBADLES. etc. WINDJW 8HADES of all colors and siz 8. COBMCE POIX8. in wood or br ss trimming«. E IBIIT <3--Maltresses, Loungts au>i all l phoIstered Fonūtnw rcpaire«l a r- iisonablo r tcs. C\BINET MAKINO. in <11 its hr.iuches, by Cnmpeaent Wcrkmen MATT1NG LAll) ard Int rior Decorsting under the Supenrision o Mi. GEORGE OBDWAY. Onr GooJs ..ro F rst €1 -ss anJ nr prices are tbe lowest. lom and be c nviceeJ —a trial is s 1-e t»*J B»“; 52ō. ruw"' ‘>ra; Mutcal 64o OBDWA\ A* POKILIl. H biusou Block, b*>tvrcen Fortand Nouam