Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 1, 2 November 1901 — THE SHOW IN THE REPUBLICAN CAMP. [ARTICLE]


There seems to oe a regular wnke going on within the folds of tiie ol l Kcpublicau party. As the child, offshoot or whatever it may choosc to regard us, of that party, we feel difHdeiir about commenting on the very lively and spectacular show now being exhibited by our augnst and venerable parent, but as guardians of the interests of the nalivc Hawaiians, we must say, the treatment John Lane received from some of the party that he worked long and faithfully for, is no more than we liave all along been accustomed to receive from tlie clique that downed him. We are almost tempted to sound the warning to c>ur countrymen to always beware of the v r hite skm brother, for he will use you for all you are worth, and throw you by without the least compunction when you are the least bit in his way, and, he has reason to suppose you are powerless to retaliate. But in view of the fact that there are many of our good haole friends who have stood by us through thick and thin even to the detriment of their interests why, we will refram from so doing.