Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 2, 6 November 1901 — DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIES. [ARTICLE]


Some lime ago Mr. Sedgwick, while con-j nccted with the Kamehamcha Schools, published an article calling attention to the economic and probable commercial value of the flowers of the glue bushes which cover a great part of our pastures. We would respectfully ask if any one has taken up the matter, and has gathered or it, gathering the flowers with a view of continuing or keeping up the channel of communication thus opened. Glue bushes, or acacia, are so common and grow so plentifully without cultivation"" or caie, that it seems a pity to have so easy a source of revenue neglected. The returns may not be equal to those made by sugar stocks, but the risk is almost nil, as the only capital required is a person s fingers to pick the blossom so generously provided bv Mother .Nature. lhe acacia or glue bushes are beginning to bloom now, but will not be in their full bloom until December and January. We would call the attention of young Hawaiians, particularly girls, or young ladies, to this pleasant and profitable work, which would surely prove a pleasant and profitable means of obtaining money to get many a needed or coveted addition to one's wardrobe. Glue bushes are very plentiful, and growing plentifully on the road leading to Moanalua, as also in the by-roads of Kalihi.