Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — Edger Caypless. [ARTICLE]

Edger Caypless.

The old missionary organ says that if Mr. Cavpless wants the next judgeship, he must discard Delegate Wilcox's' support and rest his case on his personal merits, and the support of his influential friends here and elsewhere. Bah, bah sheep! You are talking through your hat. Who are you that tliey should listen to you ? Arc you chosen by the people to be so powerful ? . Are you the Delegate of Hawaii chosen by the people to represent them in Congress ? Where were you old pretended friends of now-a-days. When Mr. Caypless first landed here from Seattle, we did not see you go and ask him to assist him in anything or even offer a home for him or even when Mr. Caypless kept an office on Bethel street send him clients to help him along. The only person who we saw was Delegate Wilcox, and he was the first one who proposed his name for the judgeship, and surely not you old schemer. He is the only true friend Mr. Caypless has from the day he landed here up to the present time. We will leave this approval to Mr. Caypless. ONE WHO -KNOWS.

Home Rule Republican can be had at WallNichols' book store King street at 10 cents per copy. tf