Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 16, 15 March 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

livery to an internal pressure of 300 lbs per square mch, aKo 12 6-inch Gate valve-,' with bell ends to stand the same pressure, 12 6-inch elows, 12 6-inch tees, 300 lbs' tiemp yarn ancl one ton of lead to be dehvercd K. (). B. u hart Honolulu within sixty (60) days from date of contract. 1 1 he Sup t of Public Works reserves the ' right to reject any or all bids. | Specifications at the office of the Sup't of Honolulu Water Works. JAS. H. BOYD, Sup't of Public Works. SEAI ED TENDERS Will be received at the Offico oi the Superintendent of Public Works until l p.m. of Monday, Febiuary loth, 1902, £or vitrified iron stonS sewer pipe, Y's and uends. Specifications on file at Office of Superintendent of Public Works. Copies may be obtained on application. The Superintendent of Public Works does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any. bid. JAMES H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. Department of Public Works, January 25, 1902. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 612 of the Civil Laws, all persons, companies or corporations, owning, controlling or operating aerial or underground circuits for the following purposes, viz: Electric Lights, Electric Power, Electric Railway Trolley Wires, Electric Railway Feeder Wire. Telephones, Telegraphs, Electric Signals, shall file at the office of the Government Electrical Inspector, on or before Man_li L, 1902,• detail "maps showing the location of all pole; lines and circuits. No extension or modification of existing pole lines or circuits shall be made until application accompanied by plans for same shall: be submitted to-and approved by the Government Electrical inspector. All poles or circuits or wires on public streets or highways not- In actual service, must be removed without further notice. Mr. W. F. C. Hasson has been appointed. Government Electrical Inspector for the Territory of Hawaii, vice W. resigned/ All blanks for the Vbove work will be furnished upon application at the office of the Government Electrical Inspector. JAS. H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. Department of Public Works, January 24, 1902. WATER NOTICE. In accordance with section 1 of Chapter XXVI ol the laws of 1880: All persons holding water privileges or those, paying water rates are hereby noticed that the water rates for the term ending June 30,t 1902, will be due and payable at the office of: the Honolulu Water Works on the Ist day of January, 1902. All such rates remaiaing unpaid for fifteen days after they are due will be subject to. an additional 10 per cent. ■ All privileges upon which rates remain unpaid February 15, 1902, (thirty days after becoming delinquent), are liable to without further notice. Rates are payable at €he office of the WaterWorks, In the basement of the Capitol build-, ing. ANDREW BROWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Honolulu, December 20, 1901. '