Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 February 1936 — FERA RELIEF TO END NEXT JUNE [ARTICLE]


! ] Thn FERA has disc(iu(iimiiil all ncnv applicatiuns for re|h'f, «iiu e <h e pr«i--i eiit .fund of $75U,U00 must be iu;ule to , last .unlil June 30, wlion t!io KKiiA will. <:eas«.'. tt» v\ist, accurdin# , to Frank J. Cody, iueal <adiiiiuistr:ilor, i upan. liiK nituvn.fi'oni a week\s confeii«nce in Honolulu willl F. 11. Loory, tevriLoriai ailministrufor of tii.> FKHA. , According to innl.nieLion issued by j.Mr. Locey, this will not apply to peoi ple who havo not worked for Uie ! FKUA ,prioi- to Jan. 20 and ;nv nMumI inff l'o]- i'eemploymtfiil, but wili L-ffeot | ! Hil people whi> liaye not heen 011 tlic j I FERA rolls in the past. |