Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — MUST GET NEW PLATES BY SATURDAY [ARTICLE]


\Vith. the legal Ume for payment Hip by Saturday, over four thousand automol)ilos on Ihe island }iave yet to bo īieensed, the cbunty ti'easurer'3 office reported Mondav aftenioon. | Automobite weight ta\es and fees for n\nnber plates ave *uppost:d to be pald before fhe.'monih is ofer, follow-,: ing whieh penalities will be charged ' for delinquencies. Ōfficial aeiioii to stop cars from operating on tlie publie highway s probabty will I>e startc<! two weeks following. Monday afternoon to motorlsts and coneorns here reached to 23-?95. Number platets here. bēgan at 20-000. showing a total of not ?et 3t>oo licenses issued. I L.ast year there were a total of 7.274 cars lieensed and the counly| offiee beU<vvesj therc wHI be the usual big rush the last few : days. j The office is open evening« at the ■ ! present tin»e to aeeonio<tnte automo- i | hilo o\vnors.

Pnwi»t»riiy has \unw\ tho \vctlj kiiowu oornw anil tho tax coHoctov is : ri«ht on it* lun-1«. Sw-»ulU'tln. [ — -~:x:- -- - !