Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — DISMISS CODY AS FERA BOSS [ARTICLE]


U, S. nislrict Attorney I. M. Staiuback, aftc?r a further study of evidence gatliered by an ag<*nt fōr tlie Department of Justice regarding loans to FERA workers, will prepare tlie next step in the case deve]oping out of the su<lden and drastfc shak<'iip in the Hawall FERA offiee, it \vas loarued in Honolulu Monday affernoou, The ehange in the office \vas niade Monday morriingi wi(h the dismiasa! of Frank J. Cody, administrator for the island, and J. George Hicks, a geaeral clerk. A. J. Wiliiamson, head of the engineefing. departrivent ,was promoted to-temporary adriiinsstralor and John Townsend, FERA field inve.stigaior and expeiienc<.'d, iuud aml ooiistruelion man formerlv with the lloiuilulu city-county department, remair.s iri authority. Change !n tlie .staff followīng tlte first ghakeup, whieli resulted m Frank H. Locey delegating authoritv 011 tliis islaud to \VUliatus?on, will eoiulnue ott a tetnporaiy siatus for a tinu\ with Townsend, Loeey*s trouble shooter, looking over proposeil rhnnges for lila approval