Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 39, 15 April 1936 — HAWAIIAN TABLEAU T0 BE PRESENTED HERE [ARTICLE]


Thc R«'surrt'( tion of Kaha, a Ilawanan tableau directed hy Mrs. Emma .Moniz, o£ Koliala, will be staged "next Saturday t April IS. at the IJalai commtmity hall, Ililo, uiulei- the auspices of tho Kohala Studio, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Beskles the (ahleau, based on a native legend, Mh Moniz will stage a T>rogram of ancient and modem liula dances, fcaturing several of her most talerited pupils. There will be some 40 performers, all of them from Kohala, incHuling a number of Filipinp, Japanese and Portugucse dancing girls, besides Hawaiian. Two novelty jiumbers by Eko Takata. four-year old Japanese girl, and Elsie Adana. two-year oId« Filipino girl, will be feature<l. The program will be followed by a dance, wiUi Kualii's orchestra furnishing the music. ■ .