Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 May 1936 — "Mother" Waldron DIES IN HONOLULU [ARTICLE]

"Mother" Waldron DIES IN HONOLULU

k *Mothe.r". Waldron, one of Honoluhfs most prominent citizens and beloved friend of the less fortunate masses, died Friday. fc?he \vas 63, aad was generally known everywhere as "Moter" Waldron nither thanas Mrs, Mardron. —— —■ Funeral services \vere ludd on Sunda\.

Tiii ougiiout her eareer she was k'nown for her work among the poor. For more than t'ii'tecn yeai*s she was a Sunday school teacher at Kakaako and there devoted mueh of her efforte to making better eitizens of the youngstors in the poorer districts, helping to guide their playgrou' d aetivities and finding . useful task.s for them to keep them out of trouble.

Bhe was generai]y oacMlited for the aohioveniout of transforming tho trouWesoinegaii4fs of Kakaako oneo lor a k>ngtinio amajor thoru in the sulo of jthe politx\ iuto law oiti/.ens. •