Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 5, 27 May 1936 — WOMAN GIVES BIRTH TO SEVEN [ARTICLE]


3irth -of sei»tuplets, two of whoni are sjiid to be still living\ ha« l.K'en reported in a dramatic series oi' telegrams frvvm the distant shores of Lake Niearagua. Two boys and two gir]s died, and" the last niessage said two girls \vere still living. The fate of the jseventh, yet unbom when t'he last dispatch wa< received, i< still unknown.

The parentsare said to living in the giTatest i>overty and that the babies have died from laek of prolHU' food and eare.

At Passaic, New Jersey, a few days Mrs. Klsie Kaspe\" £ave birth to quadrnplets» one girl and thm v bt\vs, all of whom ;iiv stron£ and healthy. They a\i> cared for »t a Passj\ie hospital.