Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 June 1936 — Police Officer Resigns Post [ARTICLE]

Police Officer Resigns Post

P»trol(iian Wil! ; am Fer grerstroni of the North H io poliee foree Satarday subni:tted his res'goation from the departrpeht, effective June 13, it was reported. Ffrgersirom joined the department on 1, 1929, and was m servij:< 1 "seven years.

A new appeintmem wili be made snortly. Sergt, H. Kel«ipcipi has been in charge o| the Kohaia distriet daring the ābsence oflnspector Arthur A Akiia, who departed Wednesday froT Kawa;hae en roule to Poitland. ore,, wheie he will auend a pol:ce convention.