Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 July 1936 — Great Britain To Reduce Fleet [ARTICLE]

Great Britain To Reduce Fleet

f P!«ns 1 ; or rnr!y mlnHion of [l?ritish f}oot co)!crntratioivin thc i M<M?lf!fM*rnnenn li;vr hrt.'n[announo<ml in thc houso of Oi)niuions b.v Sir Samucl Ho:uv, first loi\l ōf tii<> :idinimlt.v. The mkiction reix>rUHll.Y f«»!lo\vs iv!«x:ition tens!on sinco ltul,v"s con<inost of Ethio]>ia, togotherwith tho Loaguo.of Nalion"? <looision to susp\'iKl «asictious noxt ; . , Tho British fjoot in the ■Moditorn\noan % h<>\vovor will iviftain stron£or thun lx'foix' tho ltalo-Ethioi>ian crisis in ueoonlan«» \vith tho |K>lic,v whioh Sir Anthoi!\- Rlon annoueoO in parliamont. ! — :x:—