Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 July 1936 — COUGHLIN TALKS PAINS THE POPE [ARTICLE]


A h,ig!i prebu<j say> that aetivhies ,piarU;E. Couijhlin» o? !\»ttvU, and v - }K , ciall.v ihe raido sj[veeh ir. whieh iie riysidout Roo.se ve!t a haVe eaus\\l * & a l>ainfui im|>r*\«sion w tt\ib<> yatiean. Fathor Couj£hlin now ssvy< tlitd t i:e wi'l 3j>o?o£U'e bis that! Iho d!dh*t mean lt the wh,v tt souuded, «1m» that ho \va> rv)(Vn t« Mr. litH«*»volt * c*nttid»tv. »n«i not a< tho |>ro4Moni of t!io t I UuiUnl >tatess ! 1

fot<g«l thc arumvs*;\ - nt tho Kilau** Vo!oauo ! U«n.<«\ thi< Snt<|ril«gt t st 1» I\>l ;_ , 1 # - ■■■■I:" ' ' ,: i