Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 September 1936 — INSPECTORS OK CLPPER SERVICE [ARTICLE]


Two Uureau oi air connuerce insj>ectors, Ray Quick and Edward C. Yuravich, who have just eoinpjeted a round trip irispection of Pan American Airwa,vs'' roubf to the (>rient, announeed Fridayth<\\ woukl recommendPAA begranted a passenger license. "The elip|>ers 1 air-wo"rthiness 3< highi;v - satisl aetoi-y, "ēvēn in bad wxnvther," they said. "*Safety provisions, flight pre imrations, tho tyi>e of e<iuipment, mdio eontrol aiul terminal facilities ars eii(inently satisfact<)ry. M The men are expwted to fly to Washington to submit their report to th:s Depariment of Commerce this week.