Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — HUSSEY JOINS POLICE FORCE [ARTICLE]


Wilfrod K Huseey, for many years sports oditos of the Hilo Tribuno HomKl, has resigT\cd his position with the loeal afternoon daily to hoeome associted with the Hilo pohee department, with the rank cf luetenant;

He is now seeretary to Sheriff Henry K. Martin and chief statistician.

Hussey began his duties last Friday, after turning in his resignation to thc loeal newspaper. He iā a graduate of the University of Hawaii and it will he hard to find a nian of his ability to take his plaee as a writer of sports news.

Commenting 011 the new member of the Big Island poliee force, Sheriif Martin said * ho was happy to have men of Tlussey's type in his departinent.