Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 December 1936 — Russia and Japan In Armament Race [ARTICLE]

Russia and Japan In Armament Race

Bussia announeed Sunday that sbe has at least 7.000 planes and more than 10t',000 pilots ready for tlie defense of tlie eountry, and served a warning to Baltie natlons to i( mind their own business" ahd keep away from fascism. planes K)f jGerman fāscfsts threaten this country, woe unto them,'' 1 deelared Corps Commauder Keripin beforr the All*Union eongres-s of Soviets. "Tffe Society for Prepardness and Defense alone will graduutc S,(XK) pilots in liwe," lie asserted Most speakers at the congress declarēd Russla's readiness to defcat all eomers. Japan mase known Monday lier diil» - e to l>uild quickly an anuy t qual to that of liussia. The war office declared a huge armament program was iK'ct»shuiy to "prevent war *nd liold Japan's lifelineon the (Asiatic) eonlim'iil" agaiust Ohina and Rnssiii ( \n a pamph'ei satting forth the war ministn's ambitlon's. The pamphlet, whleh tlioroughlj discussed Kussia's military situatiou and made a strong plea for aeria' strengt.h, awowediy was intended U prepare the nation for large sca'< lncreases in armanients.