Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — COLD WAVE HITS WESTERN STATES [ARTICLE]


A cold wave sprcad (>ver most| of the western half of the United • States all last week. Sub zero' weather was general in stātesj wcstward of the Mississippi river. | A ternperature of 49 )>elo\v Z!.-ro ! possibly the lo\vcst in the country | was recorded at Meaehani, On\ , At Quincy, Cal., Amold Day, a' woi'kman. \vas ki]led when fhe boiler of ii lmnl)er company plant! burst in a teu»perature of 22 bclow zcro. Kep. Roy O. WoodrulT of Mi-| last weok introiluecd in'. congress the i'irst of a scries... of j bills to revise the governinent*s j sugar *tabilization. program. j