Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 10 February 1937 — Capture Of Malaga By Rebels Told "Freedom From Hell" Is Announcement Of Released Citizenry. [ARTICLE]

Capture Of Malaga By Rebels Told

"Freedom From Hell" Is Announcement Of Released Citizenry.

In Hpain tlu> civil war _ j>roc,eeds w th i'ohuweil vi£or, as m.iiugent forci'.s «' >[>tui-f Ma!aga, key oity <>ti t!)o soul{H ra frout. : HcJb; 1 raUio. Jji"uadcastis fili the uii'anu one isLativn has trarismitted a not<,' iroiu General ; Francii>co Frauc*o, ri:bel et>j)iinander-iu-chicf, , otj'i<:iaJi.v eiitraiicc b.Y Uencraj I>9 Llaiio\s troeps iuto fch<j cit.y, The uoie nsserte<l: "Thc reei>iv;Nl tho liherating !vrni.y withenthUMasm b3,yon<l des* cnj)tioii, and tlianks foi th«>ir de- .. livt>riit£ i'ruin a Marxist hell." The aniiom»eeinrnt further sai(ī that the i*irst elumn entering coi """ t)f:■ ■fort , i'g'ii !eyfi<>nnin'S and Mooi'B, who J ai>tußM} !utn<lreds of prisonPrs, atnnnj* Iheni General Hmelio KlelK<r, Ked l«.'uder of the hitorn«tionai bri}X;\ !<' Th«? prisonerS will be e uTt rrartiakd at Onee. The re*»el vi- tory will mean & g,reat streti«rht«'ulnjf of moral, and f«rnishes the insurgret\is with a now naval base Italso disrupts tie lo,valist !in<?s of eomnHinieation nnd :vn.] leav?s the way for a iV\\\ >•( on Madrid, wheix« it has Ikm'u «nnounml tnat o<> eivilianshave alivady bcen evacuated in antieijwition of a new Kebel ass;jult.