Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 24 February 1937 — Visit Of John D. Coffman [ARTICLE]

Visit Of John D. Coffman

A«lvi' , f that John D Coffn»nn, (.'hit>f v Forrstei' of llu- Briinol) of Koivstrv. \vith pmrtors in ■Washingt.on IKI is to aniv>* in Hiio to<l:i.Vij iias Iwon .ro<oiv<'<! froin thc offi<-f o/ miih'hi loU'+pīlP \Vin£ato, nf Ha\vuii">?ntion!al i'iii'k. Mr. (V)ffniah pli t ns to ' *p'n<i ;\ppn>Ninmt<'ly 10 s un l |>lh : o Bijr Islarul insptftiniT tlnv Jvftrious.natio.niil ■ pni'k un<i ('(X' ; vvork projocts, Hi' will hc ac !eoni'imnŪM.l l)y K.E, 'lilkU.ol' Honohiln, wlio is in ohai'iio of :ill (jCC t.-amps in thi\ r lVrritPry . Mr. <Joffman. who stn Jitvt for-' c.str.v at C.\>rnoll an»} Yalf l T niv<M-- , sitios. \vas formorly <'onn('<'to<l' ■wiih rho U.S. Foicst S<>rvi< tvia Calit'onii.a, in thc <'aiiarity ot' fo , rosi sjiju'rvis<ir. I'i l ;>2<S lio \vas-. transl\'rrc!l to thc l';irl< S<^rvic*i' a*--firo contr«M rx{>ert. Whon thc C(-C \vas first orjranizio.!. Mr, Colfman wtis in comj>l<'t(P < h:u - fX<' <>f ail \vork un<k'r tlu» junisilictiou , of thc I)t'j)iirtniont of tlu> lnterior i so.rvinjr as tho ■ rrprosontativo <_f; tho l)iroctor of tho Xatioiial Paik 1 Sorvico unti! whon : tho In. | terior l)opnrtmont C(.X' ;uhuinis-: tration was <-onsoli<latoi! \vith itsj <livision of stato i>ark \vork, | j Altojrothor Mr. Coffman wil | sj)2n<! ovor :i jnonth in tho Torri i , tcry, tUin!»}X whioh timo h<- wil - t . visit al] tho l:u'£or islaiul ins n» ct ; , i«£ C(.'C-o.ami)s aiul \vorUi pro]oots; an«l <lisonssinjr forostr,v prohi<'ius ; with offioials tf th<* "iVrritOrial, Hoani <>f Airri< wlturo an«i For« >t l°\ . | Foilowiiii; l»i> at Mawaii «Nalional hr will !>o < *>n«lu»-t o;l on a tonr o' tho i"lan<l I>.\ Torri »torial Forostor U,W. Br.\an.