Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT TIIE rAL.\Cf THEATRE Today, last time "Affairs of Annal>ei" vrith Jack Oakie and Looille Kall Tomorrow and Fri4ay si Four's A CroTvd" with Errol Tlynn and 01ivia de Tīavil!and Satiirda v only "When WēreYo» I?om" with Anna May Wong and Margaret , Lindsay i isunday and Monday | 4, JRacket tvith Hum- | l»hrey Bo#art and George Brent [■ Ttiesday aiul Wednesday, nest 'week i of tlie Giants" wilh [ Wayne Morris and eiaiw Trevor

AT TITE EMrißVj THK\TRE Today and tomonwv "Speed t« Burn" wiih Miehaei Whalen and Lynn b*ri Frlday aiid Satiircia,v <4 The La?t Stand" with Boh Baber 1 "P«tt.ing on the Kitx" with H»rrv Richmond and Joan KenneU Bu»«iay only "Crime Sohooi" with ,Dead End KKIs M aiul ITu;nphreA-B-3gart Monday and Tnestiay •*Kew* Vork Nig\ns" wi'li Xornan anti Oilhen Kosand [ * ; Be Yonrseir *ith T*obert Armbtmn£ ami Kannie i>rict; ARRIV£S TODAYMiltnn D Besmer. son of Mr. and Mrs. P C Beamer ol Hiio, arxived hore a short business visst todßy oa the later-IsUnd plane. Ke surpriSvXi. hLp«rents by eaHmg on thcm immed!»teli' after hk arrivsl