Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 45, 8 March 1939 — Flood Waters Causing Damage In Honolii Gulch [ARTICLE]

Flood Waters Causing Damage In Honolii Gulch

What coiistitaie.s a real menaee, also a dangerous and possibly eostly condition exists at t!»e new brid{;e over tlie Honolii river 011 the Hilo side wl»ere the briUge crosses the old Belt Liue roa«l. This eoodition luts been tu"ovisīht about by tlie unu.sinU llow of wuter | due to the. r;uns of <he j past few days. I When the ikw roud \\as <ul • throush dltches were dujr 011 both' sides to curry otT ihe wuter frou» l the lnnds of the Tlishoi> Estate un . uer ieuae ihe Uilo £u*;ar C< 1 . | This dlversion of a great volunio

. i«r oxot'ss \vutvr h:is ;iU-oiulj caus*?<l ' considcraMc da:r.ago und is tliroa ! *(<-, niuloniune ilit' t>a*e of f the new bridge and desi roy or | rlou.«lj llie i»ld ltridge on ! thfl stream. | The ditch on tlio mauka side dn- ! rlnp ln>av\ min of l;;st Friday I was filled wkh \vater uy to. the lev* 1 of ilte rw«i3\va.v. In its mpd i rush io\vard ilu' Maih stmuii it | tore out a large of *>artli sur--1 roandlng th«* hrid'4< K >trvu-turul j work, wi»rootinjr a l:irFO uuui.w īm> I an<i rtH»»pinL r imni and dohris\m ?hv I KMld h»>l.nv to f ( <h'(Hh >'f rtlH>nt Otl<» j foot Thls rnnsf(l t?u> onrushkig f WHt» r1« lnu-k uj>. Th«» wiitor In lts ! to ivnshi>(l n srrp;it ! hole tn thi> old roatlhod to a deptli iof ahout thm» This hole Uas i sini-<> hwn till«»rt wifit l«n»s<> r«>!-k h> j *»>ikvr& Uui i- uw »uf , fuit'iul,v linu to j»rt»voiit ii . w;iKin vl out agaiu. | Tho tH»autlful rtn<! nio«Jorn lu>uiv j •>! Jutiu Li'iio i.> iii th«> <iir*vi iwiih i <tf ihiK o\i'rrt<>w atid ihv it»a<hv«ji jto tl«» U*lto pr*»pt i rt} i|s i» d*uji*>r j MHl : rv Vil Ih. , U«*hvd OUt ,tUi)VU*H j tht*rt» i« « 4lv«{-(luk iiuiU tit t uie uiu»? th*> ue» bri<l*v »an c«hi f »truvtej. suiraundiii*i tiio «m miwU j >id» 1 u£ lUi» . , | \VHi<»r fiir tlw f<uuUy, . weli «?» for «iiH' liiividilM< |io tluiit «r*«, i» su|>yU«vl fro<tt a i ( uuikmealh lhr iu-\x ltit4#c., j Wiiiai liiene is a« cxv*4fcj#i\t niUi *if, | walt*r dwkti ūi%t roaU U «Uu L. I «MM «m'lMn «)>rtu« Utl{d C*H< | I umlnaiUu» uf ilu wiiUi. IW,

I sj>ri»g \vuter is coi)vt\ved thrt>ush a pi{uf-lino by an h><lnmlio puiup. In [ order to preveut tlils oontamtnailou ! i{ i>; ntvfs<iirj to off llu l pULiip j whieli is tie cause of luueh ineoui vftMenw r«> the mi fiiniilies tiieir suppli' £roia Uūs soutv«. . On the mukai side of the approach to tl»t' ne\v bridgt* the outlet from tlie ditoh lias been washed deeper by the Aopil waters and a rons£dernble qunTitil v of earth tom aw-iiy, leavīng trees hanglug by thetr roots. Thls outlet adJoins the riglit of way of the HawaU Cons?olidated ratlway and niigln eventu:il-< ly clamago to tt\o rnnway ■ propoiiy. Ai»iMirontly t.lio only \vuy j tlie \vutor ean l>e preventeJj from il;.ningsng botlv brl4ges is to run a pii>e under the rotitlway so as, ! to c;irry Ihe water lnt<» Oie river j froiu iln 1 opposite side. | l>urins floo<l* like the one last | woek nuieli iiieoiu-enienee is <aused j «fhr>o! ohildren wtio have to malie ! ilo<(inr of nearly t\vo mtlo< aroun<l

!hy thp o!d ri\ni īn order lo re;ioli | | flrt'!r brtinos. i ThP»» oondit!ons h;ive" beou oxI pTnui«M! to Ttop, V. A. Carv;tftH\ wtu> ' !ia* Wen :isked to tako tlie :»alter | «p \vith t)io h»glslature !n an <»ftort I to htivo the {>rt>sent m*?nacJ«£ i'on dttīo!n<= oorm tPd nm! tlio <latigor [ wmcj\ f?d. |