Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Union Meat Co. Manufactures New Brand Of Sausages [ARTICLE]

Union Meat Co. Manufactures New Brand Of Sausages

1 . ) Ji's a new i»raiul of sausage l>ut |: ii ,*wk un<ier the iKy>ular :ifāme of j ul<l l'lmua^ioii. I.l'nion .\loat <'0., Hilo. has st#rted ilie inHiiufacture of a new branU of si<u-s;.«es. fraivkfufters. ba!osna, |garliv sausages. Portusuese sausa--4 M'N Pork sau-:ico au<i iiverwurst. . uu<ler the trade uame of *Old PJantiition." New iDUchinery f<>r the iuanufactuie of thoso prortucts was Uvstalle<i tviemly iind iho plaut is iil eha ot" C"urivd Verheyen, wlio j lirst ac<iuired iiis. knowledge .0f j smu>.<ko iuamuacture iu Uennani". { lie is an ex-siudent of tlie Meat t 1 ackoi> I:is( i:ntc of €hicagO, and , loi\ sowr:il yoiirs he was eonaeel-, | wUh Ann<<ur. & t"o. iu ,Chieago, j.later eoming to Houolula wbere lie >vas produenon mauagor for tlie Meīro|K>liian Meat MarkeL 11« iniauie assoriate<3 wiili tl»e l'niou ileat Co. bere. of whu h C. W. Narrniuore is generai; iimnager. Two more expert produetion men due k> arrive frotn Honolulu m>xt weok to assist in the manuj t'acturo >>f < >U1 lMamaiion products.