Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 9, 28 June 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Man l»y the name of A. TFSender was arrested oii suspk'iou ,of be'mg a foreign f?i)y in the Canal Zone. Perliaps tlie fellow was just on one and didn't mean any liann, Both Mussolini and Hitler seem to belie*« their cour»tries shou!d have the freedom of the seize. 1989 Fable: Onee there was a liilo lady wlio took. a vacatiou iu lioi.olulu and eanie haek with Uio'it y iu her purse. DESERT POME No. 31 Deep in the waste basket j Lies Pome 31; | 'Twas ao goo(3 an.vhow j Gee, atn't we got fun! SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"The feHow who first was inspired to compose Orīental music must have had a terrible stomach aehe during the inspJration, judging by how most of it sounds." HYMN OF HATE ' A ehap hate ls the weather mati; He wets our shirt As oft as he ean. 1939 simile: As nervous aiitl excited as a school teacher starting on a mainland vacation. ASTROLOG|CAL FORECAST Durinfl th>s cotififluration men wili be subject to a per?od of Oioom and wilf be hardl to handle. Oh, yes, we know, We met s*veiai of them this week who had just paid their taxes. $CVtCH LIMMER-LICK

A trader, naioed Suikl,v McVeetle, With a eannihai maiie a treaty. Iti a glāH=s of gln-sttng ilae toasted the ; And then the king—!"asied McVeetie. NOT JUDGE OSORIO : : 1

Traffie violut<\r—"Gōōd morutOg, j 3ud|je. Tl<»\v do you foel?" | Jud|?e—'Tin^l" JUNK OFF T0 HAWAI I — ; N«w»paper h«aditne. Frobab>y a«other 6hipioad of «ampan bu«s«s. Those .lewish refug«»t"» «n t!io SS St. IiOUl», who tiavon't heon ahlo to land any\vli< re, nre tho otdy poople] who aoeiii to lu> gotlinß a fr<-e trtj> ! un>und the \vorld. jAPAN AftMY NEAR SWA ; TOW—Newspaper headline. j Ju»t movinsj| up to swatow the Chinec« iomt more. !

WHh *lx F<>»rUi «if 3uly <M'U»hrt» ti«ns( oii tli<> Ishtnd thl« ,v«M»r lh«re shouldn't h<> an.v d<>«M as t<> ttie <>f U)<' in'oplo lu>r*\ And ju»>< wlk'm «1- in'Oil tlu s na\j tuu»t ii £<»«'#l MHiii' {ila-* 1 » ! 3s*v Th»i"« wlll b« no Hr«worK» M tl*l* y«»r*« F<»UFth of ce>* tor»il«n #«t worry ( wh#r. Wi ' wll»' cf «Wtng m««k? Th«r(r !to't 4 uctl «ne« in th« ioun<f.

AI.AMKI>A, <>m ī\i<hh\ ; NvijitUi. l'O, h\- < yit >0«r ,»1.1 ' V,i»«'\x Ihi\\ I(i >llft£ »»a» « pattoiit un<\ il>p jfer fuM h> tiio phj>M«u Th«' i»MUut * «tl, |t Ha«t lt« t>AH\ ii> an| •inrtjr sa!{».>n «'«n | || itt» Ihiil lW ml Ws 4 %-- 1 1 *


"I can't pay the rent this month, because I need all my money for inj; annual vucation." FAMOUS SAYINGS "l'm glad to be back in Hawaii ; again. There's no plaee like j home." The reasoil wln so u\nny ser\ ioe , staii«us ean exist here is thal auto. [ ists use *o mueh \vaitinjj to | iiitersections that ilie,\ liave lo i fiil up twice as often. j

\Vanda Waffleiron rcad in the newspapers where a loi of bo.vs were leaviug for West PoinL She says she never heard o!" the plaee but she kfio\vs wlierc South Point is. Clever #rirl, Wanda. Honoluiu newspaper funs a front page story about a lot of youno coionists returninQ from the Line lslands, wearing beards. Aw } that story's got whiskers on

I.iH'o Str.\nnMiies, the .'fTii.c }>»•!. thinks this hoiue ruk* lni.siitoss slic ha> hiH'n hearing abcnit s>n'l vieccs sarT heiT4US.o <Meryhnuy kitc\v.s thf woīūoh wīl! koi'p on rulinj; thc lumu' just tiie same as thoy al\v;iys hav<*. There seems to be plenty of ' money in the cattīe business —at least so we herd.

īt is sait! that a snaii ean crawi over tho edge of a safot.\ ru?.or blado \vitiiout eutUng itself. Bet it fonl(in't elimh ovor the sbarp edpo of a pieee of ham a Hilo cafe puts in its sandwīehes. w!thout hurtitig itself.

LiFE'S DARKEST MOMENT Whan >ou are al! set to go on vacation and dis<ovcr that ev«r> rescrvauon en the stsamcr has been sofd—and yo«r vacaliCn Ha.s •lr*ady atarted. IBN'T »T THE TRUTH?

One of ihe deiighU of a «ea vo> *9*« yoo'r« a e°o4 fcaitōr ( « s to watch «ome of th« oth«< pauen Q«rs who hav&n*t be«n cft «Hore for «ev«rjii yearc—e«pect«iiy i( >ou dan't UKe. hjw, Br«na <n tlic aneo «aeehne*. Ar»other needed inventi«n ts a hnotype machtne thai w»iīi *uto mattftally f«rni*h ita own copy wh«n the *d*tar «« o«t. i'h<- tiM> s Uhm' sl«rtiHi t*s »4n>Hor. \\ li«t we tt>Sng to make ihem uud giv<* ««:• ««>N< ;<t t!i.-t!, t'.e Uih PTcn«t» r>h< ,: w- T 1 ' ii,! tA

j iW' 'i>» ifj" 'H* >'f 'i <i! mli Im V\«U U<i.\ ruu*ii] £«>l jls Uvmu K|*|, i 4<r«>u»i»li> t«ut«> Im-«» h«>ii-» *jUi j 4--» pliU Ui lliV 1(«HC«.U» "«' tj«>| | . .<*} ni-'!. wUli ,sii |C>ii , ir'L . 1.1, n i U.UI , U-4; > j