Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 21, 20 September 1939 — Inter-Island Ships Resume Old Schedule [ARTICLE]

Inter-Island Ships Resume Old Schedule

Ther«> will )k> no further sailings of Inter-lsiaini passengers sliīps froni Hilo on S:iīur(l:iyP. rtocordlng to announeemeni Uy the conipany i!iis w t'( k. I'l, \\ aiwl Hllulahii wili ivmiuu' thelr foruier scheduU>. tho W:it:Ue:tle :trrlviug at llilo <<n \V('<lut'sil;i\ morniiijis and. the lluiiluUii oii S;<turdays. The Waialeale will sai! froiu Hilo Wednesdnys :it i p.m. and the Hualalai on Sttndays at the snuie hour.