Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 32, 6 December 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

THINGS WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET Ferdinund the ī>ull. A Scotehnia» refusing a cash bonus. Oliainuan Saui Spencer driving lūs car liiniself, Kep. lio\vdy Oosta lnutiny hi> owu lish hook \vithout the help of Jolni C.regor>\ in tho i»o«t ofTit , « 1 lobby for the oltk'e s \\ ho havo to wnii Rir tho uiail. lūlmunii VreihMibrrg \v<n\ring a loupee. Kddie Desha talving a «ii'ink, Peiei - Arioli eatins,' spashetti. Nomian McCriimuou on roller skates. Ohaiiie Warreti at a loneshore- . men's meetuig. The county trea*urer a eheek. Julian Yates playing in !he hand. Harry Wessel shakiiig hands \vith an advertisiug man. Walter Eklund playing rhe ukulele. George Lowson giving away tendollar bills. Dodge. Bi\ker cliuibing a eoeonul tree. Orville Wonder at u meeting ol' the Lious eluh. Fred Koehnen playitig the Sootch | bagpipes. Heinie Kellnor riding a lior?e" 1131 Waianuemie street. The sourpusses around here smi]ing. Littie Streainlines- \vearing a dress long enough 10 eover her kn<*es. ; Horaee Joyee ln ch\ireh. JlTnmie Reid flving a kite. Bitlie Beers p!aying the pieeolo. Harry Brown piaying football. Sam Spencer and Tom Cunningham having dimier togetlier. Kenneth Byerly teaching a Sunday Sehool class. Bobhy Thoiuas eating spinach. , A bus driver giving the proper signaL I Alee Porter dres?!sed as Santa Claus. A bigger pj\y-eheck for writlttg this goofy eolumn. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"The man wlth the iong face and the w*>rr'ted !ook these dāyt,

with a bifl fami!y of kids, knows better than anybotf> etse that Chri*tmas i* near. M A HUo iiāshorj- h:is steamed p<> iatoes oa its uioini i-vory d;iy ;ir»d some of the p;urons aro srPtting all steauied up about it. OĒSERT POME NŌ. 50 Statted oti the desert !s poor Johnny Smart; His fcattery's down And hls starter wonM; start. The Germans h;nv catted Pir Ne vill« CliutulM»rlatu an 01.l ni:in. I-efs sei>, !>h> Fr t >nvli iront»r:tl wlw wmi thut other war for th.> no y«uitli. SHOCKINO

Liiīle §tf*āmUr»e* I# j mer* ©f » ,j>rob<*m to th« c?f!cc forc« *v«ry 3ay. Y*«t<?rt!ay th« w«nH4 te know 1f ftotttrdam w«» » twetr W<?rd "No. darl»«B 4 Rott«rdsn', is the n«me of » clty in He!land,** sh« Ml to!C «W«U, w «h* »id, w ī * box of ē*«dy at home my cou%sn j ate »t an<J l toid her ' hop«d it ' would Rotterdam teeth out J «MJNE M KAMPF j tt wo*)!<? U»v«» Wn iu«>jv appiw- J , t »?, rv U:i.- V..? rhi» nrs< Wnn! ~f )\N iMM-'n.'U 1 » j M . >« \UMoad of «fi n. j «AOG£D RHYM£ ! M.m Ei».e Cr«l"trce ] Of N«v*tfa u«Ker«; tv. ' of the d!wp?ea Vnee, i

Got so mueh pub!ici-ty That she's now a Hollywood exteree, Oh, gee! Migosh! Whoopee! NOW THIS IS NEWS MOrXD CITY, Mo. (UP) — The teller of a Mouiul City hauk is in the dog house becau.se he nii.sunderstood. llecently a meiuber of tlie Ludies' Aid Swiety eame into the bank to depos!t some of tlie tan.'iots"'s fuuds. Siie reiuarked to llie telier that she \vas "depositing sonie 'aid iuoueyV' The telier uuderstood her to say "egg nioiiē}-," «nd said: "Beu»\rkable, isn't it, how well the old hens are doing these days?" He couldn't understand \\iiy it \vas tlie woman grabbed up her pasi» book aud liurried out of tlie j bank. ! / -— ■ ■! BULL-ETIN

"After sinking one British warship and damaging two others, all the German planes returned to their base unharmed and without a single casuafty," CHRiSTMAS "CHEER" Theres nothiug new In this "Christuias It's the same old bunk That we get eaeli year, ' And when it's all over We're hoiding the bag, Just the same old headache From that old Chri.stmas jax.

HOOT, MON! Sandy McPher»on was aaked by the Salvation Army if h«

would a iv e a little "Christma# Cheer" and h« »ald t "Swr«, hip, hip, hooray! ,T Mussolini has agaln tho Kaliuu people froui lils fuuiou* balcouy. lUu vvt> ;ti'c K'Uviug lUo*o ibalv'ony to our old fr!enO j Howard IX Case of iho Houolulu ! £tar Bulletlu wlu> liolds the exelusivo rlghts. | ln spite of the war, Qermany | is doing a Rusfitan business. | Kermit Roosevelt, sou of the late |Teddy Roosevelt, t§ beeouiing a Bri ;tisli subject. He has <alreaūi' learn- : to say *ay word'"l e olu top!" "Are you tliere?" aml "l'n> pipr flussia appear* to be enJoytna the freedom of the feue, HOW T0 D0 THE jITTĒRBUō OANCE Sieej> \v:th the the oight before the ilanee. Ikni'i yoar elotlies. bjf the liuie you to the dan«e you will have so itiat!y Beas !n your unjerwear that you will autoiuativat!y out-jit- ; ter ,vour cm2le«t eouAj>etttor. Lif«*s darkest moment: When you arrive at an important buci nes» meetin9 and tfi«c«v«r >ou ar* «n hour Ute b»cauW you H««mt notic*d your watch had WOULO VOU SAY HE'B A SCA«E-CROW? Hep. cr»we is ihe Om oue we ever beard of that doesiit ft> . GIRLS, LtNt WP Mr. Pim Piw» B>, Saturdā> nlOht. at •—Ad. In loeal n«w* *»*er. with t«ttl ;