Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 45, 6 March 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

Alanaia <A Mooiaaia £1 Ka «Cakut <Hau>aii STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in English and Hawaiian)

HILO HAWAIĪ, T. H., ™" - ! ~. • " - . ' "1" 'ī • "



The Star of Hawali is i>ublished in the JiLtert"*t.« of Hawaīiau peoiile wilh a \iew to rirottiu!Uit: goodwiil an<i pvesevviug the lauguag*- md ti «d s / :u Hawaiian people,

Vol. XXXIV, No. 45 / .

| Pnhfidied and 6e<ficated to the Hawaiiāi^Peopie HAWAII, T, H„ WĒDVESDAY; MARCH Cw(T

Thlg s«et!on of K& Hoku O Hawaii is prlnt«l in tbe Ecglisii ianguage for beaefit 0f ths youiiger generation, maay of whom do tiOt rea<3 iauguai;e ol l): 1 !r wiii our L'aut«i **a «ttī#cil6ers, .

J. B. DIXON. Editor