OHA's Papakilo Database Community forum

Started by admin, May 09, 2008, 07:54:39 am

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May 09, 2008, 07:54:39 am Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 09:59:45 pm by admin
Aloha and welcome to OHA's Wahi Pana Database Community forum.  The purpose of this forum is to provide OHA's beneficiaries a forum to share their mana'o on different Wahi Pana (Places of Historic Significance).  Keeping with the 'Olelo No`eau; "`A`ohe pau ka `ike I ka hälau ho`okahi, All knowledge is not taught in the same school." OHA realizes that we do not have all the information.

Please feel free to post mo'olelo (stories), mele (songs and/or chants) and mana`o (thoughts and knowledge) about your favorite Wahi Pana.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Thanks for all the tips mentioned in this article! it's always good to read things you have heard before and are implementing, but from a different perspective, always pick up some extra bits of information. Visit@